- Created by alexandergogl
- 🗓 Last Updated: 04/12/23 21:27:15
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 59
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From their README
An org-mode-capture workflow for Alfred
Append a todo or a note to an org-mode file with a short and convenient command in [[https://www.alfredapp.com/][Alfred]]. The workflow requires Alfred's "Powerpack."
- Features
The command appends a second level heading to a user defined .org file and puts all what follows ~::~ into the body of the heading (see figures below).
Type todo to add a todo:
+caption: Capture a todo
+caption: Capture a todo
Type note to add a note:
+caption: Capture a note
+caption: Capture a note
The added notes and todos are divided into title and content:
+caption: Capture a note
Relative dates (Monday, tuesday, tomorrow, morgen, freitag) in the content part of the entry are converted into orgmode specific date formats ~<2015-09-11 Fri>~.
+caption: Relative dates in Alfred
+caption: become orgmode dates
You can also use relative dates to add a SCHEDULE or DEADLINE by using the following syntax, where ~S:~ converts the following date to a SCHEDULE date, and ~DL:~ to a DEADLINE. Note: the conversion only works if the pattern (S: or DL:) is followed by a date without a space between the pattern and the date.
todo Title of the workflow:: S:tomorrow DL:monday
By default, the date of creation is added to a property car (you can disable it inside Alfred; see Installation below):
+caption: Date of creation
- Installation and customising variables
Double klick on ~org-mode-capture.alfredworkflow~ to add it to Alfred's set of workflows. Then you need to set up the workflow by customising the workflow variables with Alfred's ~Configure Workflow...~ command (see figure below). It is obligatory to set at least the path to your inbox.org files. The non-obligatory variables have sane defaults, but can be customised by your liking: if you prefer ~--~ as a title-content separator, then you can change it as well.
+caption: Configure Workflow
- Reporting bugs
If you encounter a bug, please enable Alfred's debugging mode and post the error message.
+caption: Alfred debugger