
From their README




There are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.
alfred-nym tries to help with one of them.



via npm

npm install -g alfred-nym

via nym.alfredworkflow download

In order to install via the nym.alfredworkflow option, you'll have to have node preinstalled since alfred-nym runs on node.

brew install node

Download and open the nym.alfredworkflow file, to import into Alfred.

Getting started

Run nym or snym to get synonyms. Pass the -i flag or run anym to get antonyms:

  • Run nym happy to get synonyms of happy.

  • Run snym happy to get synonyms of happy.

  • Run nym happy -i to get antonyms of happy.

  • Run anym happy to get antonyms of happy.