woo nav

From their README


WooCommerce Navigation Workflow

What's this?

This Alfred workflow to guide user to navigate WooCommerce configuration option by pasting the path to the front most app on your mac.

Is it useful to me?

Only if your work includes sending instructions on accessing various WooCommerce features and configuration options 🙂


  1. Download WooCommerce Navigation.alfredworkflow
  2. Install the workflow on your device
  3. Search for navigation paths by wn YOUR_QUERY



  • By default, the keyword is set to wn for stock configuration options
  • Eg: If you want to search for the configuration path for Hold Stock, launch alfred and type wn hold stock: https://d.pr/i/1Loer6+
  • Output would be: WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory > Hold stock (minutes) > Define - Hold Stock in minutes


  • Same as wn. Only difference is that the output would be bold (markdown)
  • Eg: The same query above, using wnb results in: **WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory > Hold stock (minutes) > Define - Hold Stock in minutes**


  • Same as wn. Output is bold (HTML).
  • Eg: The same query above, using wns results in: WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory > Hold stock (minutes) > Define - Hold Stock in minutes**


  • This would add a new, custom navigation path to a separate db table
  • Make sure that the custom path does not have the same name as any of the existing stock names. This is because the workflow only searches the custom database if there are no results found for your query in stock database
  • Custom path is saved in a different table so that if there's an update to this workflow in the future, your custom paths are not lost

wncr NAME or wncr PATH

  • Removes the custom name|path combination that you've added
  • This is irreversible as there's no backup of custom table anywhere outside of your device
  • Please also note that there is no warning prior to removing a custom item

Is there a way to add WP Admin prefix to the navigation path?

Use wpn YOUR_QUERY instead of wn YOUR_QUERY and the results would include WP Admin > appended to the start. You can also use wpnb YOUR_QUERY and wpns YOUR_QUERY to obtain the results in bold format as Markdown or HTML respectively

What about the upcoming changes in WooCommerce navigation?

Use wnn YOUR_QUERY instead of wn YOUR_QUERY and the results would be in the new WooCommerce Navigation format. You can also use wnnb YOUR_QUERY and wnns YOUR_QUERY to obtain the results in bold format as Markdown or HTML respectively

How to update?

  • If you don't have any custom navigation paths added: just delete the existing workflow, and install new one

  • If you have custom navigation paths added:

    1. Right-click on workflow and open the folder in finder
    2. Copy the custom.db file to a different folder
    3. Delete the workflow
    4. Install the latest version of workflow
    5. Open the workflow folder in finder, and replae the custom.db file with the one you copied in step 2.
    6. All your custom path should now be retained.




  • Updated navigation paths to reflect the changes to Coupon path (Marketing > Coupon)
  • Default queries don't include WP Admin now.
  • CSV file names changed.