
From their README


Asana search for Alfred

Asana search for Alfred (powered by Alfy)


$ npm install -g alfred-asana

Requires Node.js 4+ and the Alfred Powerpack.

In addition you need to set your personal access token and workspace ID, in the workflow environment variables.

  • Open Alfred preferences
  • Click on the Workflows tab
  • Select the Asana workflow
  • Open the environment variables panel
  • Here is what you should see: Alfred environment variables

How to get your Personal access token

  • Make sure you are logged in on Asana and open this link: My Asana Apps
  • Click on "Manage Developer Apps"
  • Click on "+ Create New Personal Access Token"
  • Enter a description, for example "Alfred" and click "Create"
  • A token should be created, copy it
  • Replace by your token in Alfred environment variables

How to get your workspace ID

  • Make sure you are logged in on Asana and open this link: My Workspace IDs
  • You should get a list of your workspaces with the names and IDs, copy the workspace you want to use in Alfred
  • Replace by your workspace ID in Alfred environment variables


In Alfred, type asana, Enter, and your query, then you can select the task you want to see with Enter to open a browser tab on this task, or you can press ⌘ Cmd + Enter to copy and paste the task URL automatically, convenient when you want to share a link to a task with a colleague.


To update this workflow to the latest version, use alfred-updater.


MIT © Adrien Antoine