- Created by alfredapp
- 🗓 Last Updated: 06/10/22 13:27:03
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 8
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From their README
Use a snippet trigger to pop up a prompt, from which you can choose which email signature you'd like to use; Work, personal or secret identity. Which will it be?
1. Using the keyword:
Use the "Configure Workflow" button to set your keyword, which you'll type with with any prefix or suffix you've set in the Shared Prefix box found in the Snippet Trigger object.
2. Setting the snippet content:
Change the content of your signatures in the List Filter object to reflect identities that are useful to you.
This can be used for any scenario where you need to paste different content, but want to only have to remember a single snippet trigger.
3. Pasting the snippet content:
The workflow is currently set to automatically paste to the frontmost app. This assumes you've granted Alfred the necessary Accessibility permissions required for the Snippets feature. Type "help setting up snippets" into Alfred for more specific instructions on this.
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