github activity

  • Created by anshumanv
  • 🗓 Last Updated: 24/01/19 20:11:00
  • 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 5
  • Please consider supporting the creator by Starring or Sponsoring them on GitHub!
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From their README


An alfred workflow to get public activity of a github user



$ npm install --global alfred-github-activity

Requires Node.js 4+ and the Alfred Powerpack.


Generate GitHub token

  1. Create a new personal access token here.
  2. Add description and click on genreate.
  3. Click copy.

Register environment variables through Alfred

  1. Open Alfred Preferences.
  2. Go to the Workflows tab.
  3. Select github-activity.
  4. Open the variables panel by clicking the Configure workflow and variables [+] button on the right.
  5. Fill the values
    • access_token : Previously copied GitHub token
  6. Save


In Alfred, type gha and then type any github username to fetch it's activity.


Anshuman Verma