- Created by anshumanv
- 🗓 Last Updated: 25/12/18 08:28:51
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 6
- Please consider supporting the creator by Starring or Sponsoring them on GitHub!
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From their README
Alfred workflow to fetch your github notifications.

$ npm install --global alfred-github-notifications
Requires Node.js 4+ and the Alfred Powerpack.
Generate GitHub token
- Create a new personal access token with notification access here.
- Add description and click on genreate.
- Click copy.
Register environment variables through Alfred
- Open Alfred Preferences.
- Go to the Workflows tab.
- Select github-notifications.
- Open the variables panel by clicking the
Configure workflow and variables
[+] button on the right. - Fill the values
: Previously copied GitHub token
- Save
In Alfred, type gn
to display notifications.
Optional params -
- a - Show notifications marked a read
- p - Show notifications in which you were directly mentioned or participated.