
From their README

Alfred - Last 2 Imgur

Tested with Alfred 3

This workflow uploads last screenshot that you took, to Imgur. It has options to minify the image and automatically delete the image after upload.

After uploading, direct link to image is copied to clipboard.


Download Last 2 Imgur workflow file and double click to open it with Alfred.


last2imgur [options]



Example usage

# upload last screenshot to imgur without doing anything extra

# upload last screenshot to imgur and then delete it
last2imgur d

# minify last screenshot, upload to imgur and then delete it
last2imgur dm

# minify last screenshot and then upload to imgur
last2imgur m


Minify feature of this workflow uses ImageOptim (free) so make sure you have it installed.

Note - ImageOptim is slow so if you use m option, last2imgur will take some time.

Libraries used


Thanks to Oskar Hane for the inspiration. Unfortunately his workflow wasn't working on my system so I decided to create my own, the result is this project.

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