- Created by bishless
- 🗓 Last Updated: 11/04/18 17:28:38
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 2
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From their README
Based on @PandaTheme, a Superminimal, dark theme family by @siamak. It's a dark theme crafted especially for Alfred.app, with subtle colors that are meant to be easy on the eyes.
⌨️ How to Use
- Download and extract .zip file.
- Double-click Panda.alfredappearance to add theme to Alfred.app's Appearance pane.
- Click the
button when prompted.
🐼 About Pandas
- Sleep 12-14 hours per day
- Eat 12-14 hours per day
- Consume 10 to 18 kilos of raw bamboo per day
- Poop 10 to 18 kilos of processed bamboo per day.
- Panda sex is awkward. Naps are much more fun.
Picture & Contents from: https://dribbble.com/shots/2354579-Panda-Icon-Party.