- Created by deanishe
- 🗓 Last Updated: 05/06/23 23:32:38
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 119
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From their README
Smart Folders for Alfred
Quick access to your Smart Folders (Saved Searches) in Alfred.
Download & Installation
NOTE: Version 3 and later are only compatible with Alfred 4+. If you're still using Alfred 3, download v2.2.
Download the workflow from GitHub releases and double-click the .alfredworkflow
file to install.
.sf [
to see or filter a list of your Smart Folders] ⇥
on a Smart Folder to view its contents↩
to open the Smart Folder in Finder⌘↩
to reveal the Smart Folder in Finder
- On Smart Folder contents:
to open a file/folder in its default app⌘+↩
to reveal the item in the Finder
to view the help file
Custom searches
You can also set up keywords to go directly to the contents of a specific Smart Folder.
See the included help file for more details (keyword .sfhelp
to view it).
Third-party software, copyright etc.
This workflow relies upon the following libraries:
- Alfred-Workflow, a library for building Alfred workflows.
- docopt, a library for parsing command-line options.
Both libraries and the code in the workflow are released under the MIT licence