- Created by deanishe
- 🗓 Last Updated: 17/09/22 12:16:35
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 433
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From their README
StackExchange Search for Alfred
Search for answers on StackExchange sites from Alfred 4+.
Get StackExchange for Alfred from GitHub releases.
The main action (keyword stack
) shows a list of all StackExchange
sites. Choose one to search it.
There is also a search for StackOverflow.com configured (keyword
), but it is easy to add searches for your own favourite
StackExchange sites.
stack [
— Choose a StackExchange site to search.] ↩
— Select site⌘↩
— Set as default site⌥↩
— Reveal site icon in Finder⌘C
— Copy site ID to clipboard (for adding Script Filters)
— Search StackOverflow.com for
. See below for syntax.↩
— Open result in default browser⌘L
— Show full question title in Alfred's Large Text window
Query syntax
Prefix a word in your
with .
(full stop) to indicate that
it's a tag, e.g requests .python
will search for answers tagged
with the query requests
Answered questions will be shown first in the list of results (and have a green check mark on their icon).
Adding custom searches
You can easily add your own searches for specific sites by adding your own Script Filter with the following Script:
/usr/bin/python so.py search --site "$1"
The easiest way to do this is to make and edit a copy of the built-in StackOverflow.com search.
To get a site ID, use the site search (keyword stack
) and hit ⌘C
the desired site to copy its ID to the clipboard.
You can also use ⌥↩
on a site to reveal its icon in Finder.
Licensing, thanks
This workflow is released under the MIT Licence.
It is heavily based on Alfred-Workflow, also MIT-licensed.