- Created by dotson
- 🗓 Last Updated: 31/08/22 01:09:15
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 3
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Alfred workflow to retrieve similar artist info
Starting with version 1.4.0, this workflow is compatible with Alfred 5.
Search Last.fm database for an artist and retrieve a list of suggested artists. Selecting the similar artist from Alfred's list takes you to the Last.fm page for more info.
- "LS" or Hotkey triggers the workflow.
- Initially populates with a search for the currently playing track in the Music app, if one is playing.
- As you type an artist name, the workflow searches Last.fm for your query and provides a list of possible matches.
- Click 'shift' or 'command+Y' to view any item in Apple's Quickview window
- Selecting an artist from the list provides a new list of Last.fm's Similar Artists for the initially chosen one.
- Selecting an artist from the new list takes you to their Last.fm page, or you can view it in Apple's QuickView window.