- Created by evandcoleman
- 🗓 Last Updated: 24/12/16 16:41:46
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 15
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From their README
Alfred iTunes DJ
A workflow for Alfred that queues up songs to be played next in iTunes.
On your first use, you'll need to pair Alfred with iTunes just like you would with the iOS Remote app.
Open iTunes.
Invoke Alfred and type
followed any character. Alfred should prompt you that you need to pair with iTunes and give you a four-digit code. Hit enter/return to start the pairing process. -
Switch to iTunes and click the devices button in the top left as shown in the screenshot below.
Then click on
Alfred iTunes DJ
in the devices list and enter your four-digit pin. If it fails, just try again.
Usage is incredibly simple. Just type dj
followed by any combination of a song's name, artist or album title and Alfred will present you with a list of songs in your iTunes library that match the search term.
Alfred iTunes DJ only has a few configurable settings.
Open Alfred's preferences and select the
tab. -
Select iTunes DJ from the list and then click the variable button in the top right
Set the value of
to enable confirmation notifications when queuing a song. Setnum_results
to the number of results you'd like to receive.
There are a few ways to install this workflow:
- Download from Github releases
- Download from Packal.org
- Use the source code from this repo.
Allow searching using artists and albumsAdd album artwork to search results