- Created by gpmcadam
- 🗓 Last Updated: 12/02/23 14:24:17
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From their README
Alfred JIRA Issue List
- 🔎 Quickly look-up tickets from your JIRA board
- 📋 Copy JIRA ticket numbers
- 🌍 Instantly open tickets in your browser
NOTE Ensure you're using Alfred v4 or later and that Alfred has access to a version of Node (>=12)
- Install the workflow from npm:
npm install --global alfred-jira-issue-list
- Configure the workflow variables in 'Workflows' -> 'Workflow Issue List' -> ⒳
- Within alfred, use the
keyword to bring up results - Filter results by key, status or description
- Cmd-C to copy the highlighted issue key
- Enter to open the issue in the browser
In general you may find it useful to use the Alfred Debugger for most issues.
See: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/advanced/debugger/
"Library not loaded" error
You may see an error when running the workflow, similar to the following:
Code 134: dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.62.dylib
Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/node
Reason: image not found
./node_modules/.bin/run-node: line 49: 69016 Abort trap: 6 ESM_OPTIONS='{"await":true}' node --require esm "$@"
Ensure Alfred has access to a version of NodeJS by installing one through Brew, or upgrading to a compatible version:
brew upgrade nodejs