- Created by hilen
- 🗓 Last Updated: 09/08/17 07:24:30
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 58
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From their README
A QRcode generator based on python-qrcode for Alfred Workflows.
Install Python library:
- Install python packages tool pip by:
sudo easy_install pip
- Install image library pillow by :
sudo pip install pillow
- Install python-qrcode by :
sudo easy_install qrcode
- Type
qr text
; - Define a hotkey, select some text, press the hotkey;
- Type
to open the QR code image folder. The image's name is created by your time and content's md5 value.
- The QRCode image your generate will be open with Preview application.
- Create a txt file to collect the QR code content.
- Hotkey to open the txt file.