
From their README

Alfred Typora Workflow

Alfred workflow for Typora.


Download and install Typora-Documents.alfredworkflow.


Querying documents

  • ty {query}: Query Typora documents. It automatically searches the parent Git repositories or directories for markdown files.
  • ty* {query}: Query Typora documents and all types of files from the parent Git repositories or directories, regardless of LIST_ONLY_OPEN_DOCS.
  • User actions
    • ↩: Open/activate the selected document or file.
    • ⌥ + ↩: Close the selected document (if it's open).
    • ⌘ + ↩: Reveal file in Finder.

Searching contents of documents

  • tyi {query}: Search inside (i.e., the contents of) Typora documents. It automatically searches the parent Git repositories or directories for markdown files.
  • tyi* {query}: Search inside (i.e., the contents of) Typora documents and all types of files from the parent Git repositories or directories, regardless of SEARCH_ONLY_OPEN_DOCS_CONTENTS.
  • User actions
    • ↩: Open/activate the selected document or file.
    • ⌥ + ↩: Close the selected document (if it's open).
    • ⌘ + ↩: Reveal file in Finder.

Copying relative markdown links to any files/directories

  • (Universal) File Action Copy relative links for Typora: Copy markdown link(s) to the given file/directory path(s) relative to Typora's active document.
    • One simple use case is pressing ⌘ + ⌥ + in Finder and invoking this File Action.
    • It escapes paths and names according to the markdown syntax.
    • It is especially useful for copying links to files that Typora doesn't support the drag-and-drop link insertion from Finder, such as .docx, .tex, and .md files.


  • LIST_ONLY_OPEN_DOCS: If set to 0 (default), ty queries open documents and markdown files from the parent Git repositories or directories. If set to 1, ty only queries open documents.
  • NUM_RECENT_DIRS: The number of recent directories to keep and list files from. Set this to 0 to disable it. 5 by default.
  • SEARCH_ONLY_OPEN_DOCS_CONTENTS: If set to 0 (default), tyi searches the contents of open documents and markdown files from the parent Git repositories or directories. If set to 1, tyi only returns open documents.

