- Created by jmarcon
- 🗓 Last Updated: 06/10/20 03:55:49
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 14
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From their README
CloseALL/ClearALL Alfred Workflow
An Alfred Workflow to Clear/Close All opened alert notifications in your macos
It's not working with the new MacOS version (BigSur).
Some times, when you let your mac online for a long time without human intervention, it will accumulate alert notifications...
You could use the "Notification Center" and click over the close/x button in the "Today" section.
But, you know... It's 2 or 3 clicks 😉
Now you can just tell you alfred to close it for you!
You can:
- Close all notifications
- Close the top most notification in your list
- Click in the top most notification in your list