- Created by jopemachine
- 🗓 Last Updated: 29/05/22 11:31:22
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From their README
⚠ Deprecated
This workflow is no longer maintained.
If you're looking for a similar workflow, highly recommend using alfred-chromium-workflow instead, which reimplemented this workflow's most features.
Alfred workflow to search Chrome kernel based browser's queries, bookmarks, history and download logs, and other data
🌈 Features
- 📄 Search Chrome's Visit History
- 🔖 Search Chrome's Bookmark sorted by visit counts
- 📁 Search Chrome's Bookmark folder
- 📜 Search Chrome's Search query history
- 🔎 Search Chrome's Download logs
- 🎥 Search Chrome's Media (video) history
- 📒 Search and Copy Your Chrome's Autofill data
- 📝 You can change your search config details
(ch > conf)
📌 Prerequisite
The prerequisites below are required to use that package.
Node JS
Chrome or Chrome based browser (Chrome Canary, Edge, Chromium, Brave.. etc)
🔨 How to install
- Install package by npm
$ npm install --global alfred-chrome-workflow
If you have problem with installation with above command,
Please refer these installaion issues.
- Check your
. default value is set by/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/ / Default
If chrome_profile
is not proper, you could encounter below error.
If your
is not default, changechrome_profile
to your profile name. -
(Optional, Recommended) You can cache favicon images in advance by executing
ch > cache
By proceeding with the above process, you can assign favicon to the items of chb
and increase search speed.
📗 How to use
chb { Argument }
Argument: {Term to search
Search chrome bookmark
(Could be sorted by visit counts
, alphabet
chf { Argument }
Argument: {Term to search
Search chrome bookmark folders
chh { Argument }
Argument: {Term to search
Search chrome visit history
You can append #
to search word to search only the logs in that url
chh #youtube [some_word_to_search]
chd { Argument }
Argument: {Term to search
Search chrome download history
chs { Argument }
Argument: {Term to search
Search your query based on visit history
You can append #
to search word to search only the logs in that url
chs #github [some_word_to_search]
chm { Argument }
Argument: {Term to search
Search chrome media history (like youtube watching history)
You can append #
to search word to search only the logs in that url
And you can append @
to search word to search only the logs in that artist
chs #youtube @some_artist [some_word_to_search]
cha { Argument }
Argument: {Term to search
Search chrome autofill data
chid { Argument }
Argument: {Term to search
Search chrome's login data (including email)
ch > conf
Open config file (conf.json
ch > cache
Cache favicon images from your visit history in advance
ch > clearcache
Clear favicon cache
🔖 Search Options
- chrome_profile
Type: string
Your chrome profile name.
- locale
Type: string (enum)
Determines whether to display some string values in Korean
or English
Possible values: ko
or en
- browser
Type: string (enum)
Select the browser to which you want the workflow to the workflow.
Possible values: Chrome
or Chrome Canary
or Edge
or Chromium
or Brave
- browser_dir
Type: string | undefined
If your browser is based on chromium
, you can manually specify browser_dir
for your browser path.
This could be useful when you use unsupported browsers (Note that the browser should be based on chromium).
option is ignored if browser_dir
is specified.
- exclude_domains
Type: string[]
You can exclude specific domain's url in your search result.
This is applied to chs
, chh
, chm
. (Not chb
- result_limit
Type: number
Displays as many search results in chh
search as result_limit
- sort
Type: string
Determine what to sort the search results in chh
Recommended Value:
last_visit_time DESC
Or visit_count DESC, typed_count DESC, last_visit_time DESC
- delete_duplicate
Type: boolean
Removes items with duplicate title names.
- sort
Type: string (enum)
Sort by DESC
or ASC
- sort
Type: string (enum)
- result_limit
Type: number
Displays as many search results in chs
search as result_limit
- delete_duplicate
Type: boolean
Removes items with duplicate title names.
- sort
Type: string (enum)
Sort item.
Possible Value: artist
, source_title
, position_ms
, last_updated_time_s
sorts by watching time you played on the video.
sorts by recently viewed videos descending.
- result_limit
Type: number
Displays as many search results in chm
search as result_limit
- delete_duplicate
Type: boolean
Removes items with duplicate title names.
- sort
Type: string (enum)
Sort item.
Possible Value: name
, value
, count
, date_created
, date_last_used
sorts by the form's name.
sorts by the autofill data value.
sorts by the numbers of the data is used.
sorts by the dates of the data is created.
sorts by the dates of the data is used last.
- result_limit
Type: number
Displays as many search results in cha
search as result_limit
- delete_duplicate
Type: boolean
Removes duplicated items.
MIT © jopemachine