- Created by lisdude
- 🗓 Last Updated: 10/04/20 02:25:22
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 5
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From their README
New Firefox Window Workflow

An Alfred workflow that will open new Firefox or Firefox Developer Edition windows without Firefox being the current active application. Optionally supports private browsing windows as well.
To download it, click here.
This workflow is only available for Alfred Powerpack users. Supported commands are:
New Window (fw)
Opens a new Firefox window and brings it to the front.
Keyword: fw
New Private Window (fw + ⌥)
Opens a new private Firefox window and brings it to the front.
Keyword: fw + ⌥ (option)
New Firefox Developer Edition Window (fw + ⌘)
Opens a new Firefox Developer Edition window and brings it to the front.
Keyword: fw + ⌘ (command)
New Private Firefox Developer Edition Window (fw + ⌘ + ⌥)
Opens a new private Firefox Developer Edition window and brings it to the front.
Keyword: fw + ⌘ (command) + ⌥ (option)
1.0.1: Open new windows in the current space instead of jumping to whatever space Firefox is open in.
1.0.0: Initial release.
- This workflow is highly inspired by caiogondim's Chrome workflow.