- Created by marnovo
- 🗓 Last Updated: 01/12/20 16:21:41
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 19
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From their README
macOS Big Sur themes for Alfred app
Alfred appearance/themes aimed to be similar to Apple Spotlight on Apple macOS Big Sur.
Requirements & Installation
You must have Alfred 4.3 or higher with Powerpack for importing custom themes.
The installation is as easy as opening the .alfredappearance
theme files.
More instructions at Alfred Help and Support > Appearance & Theming.
List of themes
macOS Big Sur Spotlight native-like
macOS Big Sur Light: native-like, light appearance, multicolor/blue accent, system font
macOS Big Sur Dark: native-like, dark appearance, multicolor/blue accent, system font
macOS inspired, developer tooling hybrid
macOS Big Sur Dark Dev: inspired, dark appearance, grey accent, monospaced system font (Menlo)
macOS Big Sur Dark Dev SFMono: inspired, dark appearance, grey accent, monospaced system font (SF Mono).
Note: SF Mono needs a few extra steps to be used by applications. Download at Apple Developer Font site or extract from Terminal.app
Copyright (c) 2020 Marcelo Novaes