- Created by mpco
- 🗓 Last Updated: 01/01/25 04:13:55
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 354
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From their README
Recent Documents / Apps
Quickly access recent documents and apps.
中文说明 • Download • How To Use • Configuration
Sorry, no more updates as I no longer use a Mac computer and the installation of macOS virtual machine failed.
How to Use
You can press Enter
to open the file in result, or press ⌘CMD-Enter
to reveal it in Finder.
Tap rr
to list files opened recently by the foremost app.
For example:
- Recent folders will be listed when Finder is foremost.
- Recent rtf, text files will be listed when TextEdit app is foremost.
- Recent *.sketch files will be listed when Sketch app is foremost.
- Recent *.xcodeproj project files will be listed when Xcode app is foremost.
The subtitle of each result consists of ⏱modified time and 📡path of the file.
Tap rf
to list recent folders.
Opening recent folders is very common in use. Tapping rf
is a more efficient way, even though you can activate Finder and then tap rr
Tap rd
to list recent files.
These files were recently opened by user, not like rr
which is just for the foremost app.
Tap ra
to list apps opened recently.
Exclude files and folders from the results.
You can add private folder paths separated by colon :
to the workflow environment variable ExcludedFolders
. The results will not show private folders and any files inside them. The environment variable ExcludedFiles
is used to block files and folders themselves.
For example: ~/privateFolder1/:/Users/G/privateFolder2/
Optional Setup
- Adjust keywords
as you like. - Open
System Preferences - General
, change the number ofRecent items
to 15 or more.
Feel free to donate by Wechat if this workflow is helpful.
- macMRU-Parser: https://github.com/mac4n6/macMRU-Parser
- ccl_bplist.py: https://github.com/cclgroupltd/ccl-bplist
- mac_alias: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mac_alias