- Created by mschmidtkorth
- 🗓 Last Updated: 25/05/20 06:42:19
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 1
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From their README
SBB/CFF/FFS (Swiss Railway) Timetable Workflow for Alfred
This workflow allows you to show SBB train connections.
Shows the following information for connections:
- Station names, performs 'best guess' on addresses
- Departure and arrival time
- Duration of travel
- Train types and names
- Number of transfers
Results are sorted from earliest to latest departure.
Installation & Requirements
For this workflow you need
- Alfred 4 with a Powerpack license
To install, download the latest release and open the .alfredworkflow
Usage & Commands
You can enter cities, station names or addresses.
From main station to main station:
sbb Zurich Basel
This will list trains going from Zurich main station to Basel main station.
From one station to another station:
sbb Zurich, Belevue Basel
This will list trains going from from Zurich, Bellevueplatz to Basel. Note that the typo 'Belevue' (instead of 'Bellevue') is automatically corrected and results are returned for Bellevueplatz.
The workflow will perform a 'best guess' on the station name, e.g. 'Bannhof' is interpreted as 'Bahnhof', or 'Bellevue' is interpreted as 'Zürich, Bellevueplatz'.
Search is powered by search.ch and OpenData.ch.
How to Contribute
Please see the contribution guidelines.
- 0.0.1 (2016-07-25)
- Initial version
- The OpenData team for providing their API as well as SBB for publishing their timetables.
- @deanishe for his wonderful Alfred-Workflow Python library.