- Created by msoedov
- 🗓 Last Updated: 06/05/20 12:52:52
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A collection of Alfred3 compatible workflows.
Sharing, suggestions and contributions are always welcome!
(Hotkey) Toggle Apps - Script to toggle apps with keyboard shortcuts
.icns icon setter - Set the icon of a ".icns" file by using the actual file
10.000ft Scripts - The aim is to make working with 10.000ft faster.
17Hats - A simple hotkey and keyword to access your 17hats areas
17Track - Workflow used to track your shipments on 17Track.net
1Password Open - Search and Open 1Password
8 Ball - Magic 8 Ball Alfred Workflow that gives a random response from a set of 20
ABN Lookup - Perform a quick ABN lookup via ABR website.
ADB WiFi - Reconnect an android device for WiFi debugging
ASCII smileys ツ - Copy and paste ascii smileys (largely made from chinese characters) ¯_(ツ)_/¯
AWS Console Services - Very simple workflow to quickly open up AWS Console Services in your browser
AWS Region Codes - View and Copy AWS region codes
About This Mac - Retrieve and show your Mac details
Absolut Drinks Database - API to search the Absolut Drinks Database
Activate Keeping You Awake - Use the popular Keeping You Awake Extension's scripting powers from Alfred
Add Calendar Event - Just type: cal [event] at [time] [on [date]] in [location] @[calendar name] alarm [X min|hour|day|month|year] ...
Add to Fantastical - Add items to Fantastical 2 using plan english
Add to Playlist - Add Current Song to an iTunes Playlist (or Build Playlists)
Advanced Google and Apple Maps Search - Easy searching of Google Maps or Apple Maps including directions to or from work/home/custom locations.
Advanced Google and Apple Maps Search - Easy searching of Google Maps or Apple Maps including directions to or from work/home/custom locations.
AirDrop & WiFi - Enables/Disables WiFi and opens AirDrop
AirPlay Spreader - Extend your display to an AirPlay device directly from Alfred
AirPlay via Beamer - Play Videos over Airplay via Beamer
AirPods - Connect/ Disconnect from your AirPods
AirPods Connector - Quickly connect your AirPods!
Airmail-to-Todoist - Simple way to create a task in Todoist based on a mail in Airmail 3
Airport Search - ICAO / IATA Airport Search as well as Airport Details loaded from OurAirports.com
Airports - Get information about all airports in the world.
AlfCard - ClipCard for Alfred - search across your apps and cloud accounts instantly from your Mac.
Alfred Backblaze - Pause and Start Backblaze online backups
Alfred Bible - Pastes Bible verse from reference in selected language.
Alfred Browser Toolbox - Things to help using the Alfred Browser.
Alfred Chrome - Opens a URL in Google Chrome, optionally in incognito and with specific profile.
Alfred Confluence Quick search - The Alfred Confluence workflow makes the Confluence Quick search available in the Alfred App.
Alfred Cron - Schedule Scripts with Alfred
Alfred CyberChef - Helps to interact with https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/
Alfred Dependency Bundler Demo (Python) - Demonstration on how to use the Alfred Bundler in Python
Alfred Dependency Bundler Example - An example workflow to show how the Alfred Dependency Bundler works
Alfred Editor - An editor for Alfred.
Alfred Emoji Workflow - Alfred 2 workflow for searching emoji codes.
Alfred Faker - Generate fake data
Alfred Kat - Look for magnet links on KickAssTorrents
Alfred Keyword Help - Show and filter available keywords
Alfred Markdown Table - Generate Markdown Table with Alfred Workflow.
Alfred OTP - Generate OTP using keychain backed token
Alfred OpenClipart Search - Alfred workflow to search for clipart SVGs on openclipart.org
Alfred Soundboard - A soundboard for alfred at your fingertips
Alfred Time Keeper - This workflow helps you to track time spent on each project each day.
Alfred Today - Loads a daily list of events from Google and/or Exchange calendars
Alfred URI Handler - Alfred URI Handler installer.
Alfred URI Parser - Splits URI into host, port and path. Copy any of the URI components into clipboard.
Alfred Workflow Builder QuickRef - Designed to help with building Alfred workflows efficiently. Shows the last Alfred workflow you were working on at the top of the list. Same with the data folder.
Alfred npm search - Alfred workflow to search for npm package using npms API.
Alfred-BetterTouchTool Integration - Example workflow for BTT integration, see forum post: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/12476-alfred-bettertouchtool-touch-bar-integration/
Alfred-CDN-Workflow - Find CDNs quick with Alfred
Alfred-Drive-Workflow - Browse, search and open Google Drive files from within Alfred.
Alfred-HipChat - Allows you to navigate HipChat rooms and IM's from within Alfred
Alfred-Outlook - Alfred Outlook plugin to support search email, compose email, search contacts and so on...
Alfred-Time - Start and stop tracking time with Toggl and/or Harvest through Alfred
Alfred-Time V2 - Start, stop or continue tracking time with Toggl or Alfred
Alfred-Todoist-Workflow - Quickly add tasks to Todoist
Alfred-Translate - Both-side translation between Chinese and English
Alfred-Venmo-Workflow - Pay and charge friends easily in venmo
Alfred.QRCode - A QRcode generator with python-qrcode for Alfred Workflows
AlfredBookmarklet - Use a browser bookmarklet via Alfred
AlfredBullet - Send links or text to devices via PushBullet
AlfredDig - A workflow for Alfred to perform DNS lookups using dig and optionally copy a specific result to the clipboard.
AlfredFM - Last.fm on Alfred!
AlfredModeration - Tools to help moderate the Alfred forums
AlfredPow - A workflow to manage Pow and your Pow applications.
AlfredTweet - Tweeting from Alfred like never before!
Alphy - Search and get links for GIFs on Giphy with Alfred
Amazon to UK - Changes the Google Chrome current tab from an amazon.com page to the appropriate amazon.co.uk page
Amphetamine Control - Control Amphetamine from Alfred and keep your Mac awake.
Amphetamine Switch - a alfred workflow to control amphetamine
Amphetamine on-off - An amphetamine control workflow based on the original author's work
Android adb - Handy adb commands
Android emulator - list/start android emulator
Anki - Alfred interface for Anki
Antidote 10 - Look up words in Antidote 10
Antidote 9 - Look up words in Antidote
AnyBar Workflow - A workflow to work with the AnyBar.app free applicaiton.
Aperture Remote - Control Aperture on your Mac using Alfred Remote for iOS
App Install - Lists and installs the most recent applications from your Downloads folder
App Shortcuts - Makes computer a single entity rather than a bunch of apps.
AppDelete - Remove App and cleanup with AppDelete
AppFreeze - Pauses and resumes execution of the frontmost app
AppScripts - List, search and run/open AppleScripts for the active application
AppVersion - Show version number of installed apps
Appear.in - Create a Appear.in meeting room-
Apple Color Lists - This worklows gives quick access to the colors defined in Apple's color lists ("clr")
Apple Reminders - Adds reminders to Apple Reminders
Ariafred - Manage Aria2 downloads directly in Alfred, with background notification.
Asana Workflow - Advanced workflow for Asana with GTD principles (optionally integrates also with Atlassian Jira and AnyBar)
Atlassian Bamboo Workflow - Search for projects, plans, build results and more in Atlassian Bamboo
Atlassian Bitbucket Server Workflow - Search for repositories, projects and pull requests in Atlassian Stash and Bitbucket Server.
Atlassian Bitbucket Server Workflow - Search for repositories, projects and pull requests in Atlassian Stash and Bitbucket Server.
Atmos - An Alfred workflow to find temperature, speed of sound, pressure, and density at queried altitude, according on International Standard Atmosphere model.
Atom - Simple workflow that allows you to browse and open Atom projects
Atom - Open Folder of current Finder by Atom
Audio Switch - Switch between your input sources and output devices.
Auror - A simple Nanoleaf effect switcher
Autojump - This is an Alfred 2 workflow to provide you a faster way to navigate your filesystem via autojump
BOFH Excuses - This workflow returns a BOFH excuse.
BT Audio - Connect to already paired Bluetooth Devices
BUPT network client - BUPT network client, to login or logout.
Bagoum Shadowverse Card Search - Search Shadowverse card and open its link in Bagoum
Baidu Translate (百度翻译) - Translate using Baidu's translate service API.
Baidu Translation - Translate words by Baidu Translation Service
Baidu-X - Helps you generate link for "Baidu-X"
Bamboo CI - Alfred workflow to interact with Bamboo CI. Search for projects and plans.
Banana Browser Tabs - Send tabs from Chrome to Safari and back
Banana Terminal - ➊ Search for folders and open them in a new terminal or finder ➋ Open a terminal in the directory shown by finder ➌ Open a finder window in the current directory of your terminal.
Base CRM - Provides easy access to Base CRM contacts, leads, and deals inside Alfred 2 (plus caching!).
Base Converter - Convert arbitrary bases(up to base 32) in Alfred 2 and copy them to the clipboard.
Base64 Image - Convert an Image to Base 64 Encoding
Basecamp - Workflow for listing your Basecamp projects.
Battery - Get estimated time left on battery
Bear - Search and create Bear notes from Alfred
Bear App Workflow - Simple Workflow to search Bear App notes and tags
Bear-Typora - Edit Bear notes in Typora
BeautifulRatio - This workflow calculates the Golden ratio and Silver ratio.
Better IMDB search - Search IMDB for movies and see results inside of Alfred
BetterSnip - A better Snippet, support text extension
BibQuery - Search BibDesk from the comfort of your keyboard
Big Huge Thesaurus - Search for synonyms, antonyms, related terms and similar terms on the Big Huge Thesaurus website.
Bing Search - Get bing search results based on your query
Bitcoin Exchange Rates - Request current bitcoin exchange rate from blockchain.info
Bitwarden CLI - Get passwords, username and TOTP from Bitwarden
Bluetooth Connector - Alfred workflow for listing known Bluetooth devices and (dis)connecting to them
Bluetooth On/Off - Turn bluetooth on or off
Bluetooth Power - Alfred 3 Workflow to turn Bluetooth signal 'On' or 'Off'
Bluetooth Switch - Switch Bluetooth status
Bluetooth Toggle - Turn on/off Bluetooth using applescript.
Bluetooth toggle - Toggle your bluetooth on or off, indicates whether it's currently on or off
Blur - Set Alfred's background blur radius
Boite à Lambert - Reproduit le rire de Christophe Lambert et fait peur aux chiens
Boot2Docker - Control boot2docker
Browser Sugar - Automation scripts of switching tabs between Safari/Chrome; copy tab information; open url from selection or clipboard, etc.
Brutto-Netto - Kwota netto z kwoty brutto (i odwrotnie)
Budget Workflow - Workflow to work with budgets using Calca or any other editor.
Buffer from Finder - Adds current OS X Selection to the Buffer
BugNot - Get logins from bugmenot
Bulk File Renaming - This workflow allows the user to rename multiple files at once using regular expressions and further options.
Bunch Quick Launch - Quick Actions for Brett Terpstra's Bunch
Bundle - A really simple workflow which allows you to quickly open your Bundle-bundles in the browser.
BundlePhobia - Search bundlephobia.com
C * Music Player - Remote control commands using cmus-remote
CPF/CNPJ Generator - Generate fake CPF/CNPJ numbers for testing
CSS Inliner - Inline all CSS in order to use in email.
Caffeinate Control - Controls "caffeinate" — system command to prevent the sleep function.
Caffeine Toggle - Toggles Caffeine to keep your computer awake.
Calendar - Displays a monthly calendar with Alfred Workflow.
Calendar Availability - Read Mac Calendar DB and copy schedule or availability to clipboard
Calibre Search - search your e-books in Calibre by name.
Calibre search - Search book in Calibre library.
Call Contact Direct - Calls a contact or phone number directly using you iPhone by surpassing call button click
Call from iPhone - Uses Yosemite's Handoff feature to call the inputted phone number from your iPhone
Call or SMS contact - Searches through contacts and calls or texts them depending on input.
Call with Google Hangouts - Call with Google Hangouts
CalmNotifications - Toggle Do Not Disturb
Can I Use? - Compatibility tables for support of HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other technologies in various browsers
CapKeyStone - Convert hex string to assembly and vice versa.
Capital Weather Gang - Pulls the Capital Weather Gang RSS Feed
CardSearch - Search for trading card game cards
Case Switch - FOOBAR ⇌ foobar OR fooBar ⇌ foo_bar OR foo-bar ⇌ fooBar
Change desktop background - Enter a command to go to the next wallpaper for your desktop.
Cheatsheet - Get shortcuts for your tools
CheckSpelling - Spelling correction in various languages.
Chicken Facts - This workflow allows you to view or share chicken facts from chickenfacts.io.
Chinese Converter - Convert Chinese between Traditional and Simplified by OpenCC
Chocolat Open - Open the current Finder folder in Chocolat
Chrome Bookmarks - Chrome/Canary/Chromium bookmarks search workflow for Alfred
Chrome Bookmarks - Fast Chrome bookmark searcher for Alfred.
Chrome Incognito - Open Google Chrome in Incognito mode.
Chrome Notepad - Open a quick notepad in Chrome
Chrome Search - Search with Chrome instead of your default browser.
ChromeBookmarks - Search Chrome Bookmarks
Chromecast - Control Chromecast from Alfred
Chromium Update - Download & Install the latest chromium build.
Chunkwm restarter - Simple script to restart chunkwm via brew
Cisco Call - Workflow to call via your Cisco IP Phone
Clang Format - format your code in clipboard using clang-format
Clean App - Uninstalls applications using AppCleaner
Clean Applescript Dictionaries - Removes duplicate Applescript Dictionary Entries
Clean Derived Data - Cleans Xcode's Derived Data folder. Icon thanks to Huu Nguyen.
Clint Eastwood Are You Feeling Lucky Punk Google Search - Opens a "I'm feeling lucky" google search. i.e. it loads the page of the first result of a search
Clojure Doc Search - Searches the Clojure docs on clojuredocs.org
CloudApp - Upload to CloudApp (optionally rename)
Cmd E Finder - Invoke Finder and/or show them side by side
CnyTransform - 人民币大写和数字及英文写法相互转换
Cocoapods Search - A simple workflow for searching CocoaPods
Code Case - Case Converter for Code
CodeSandbox Templates - Open CodeSandbox starter templates.
CodeVar - https://github.com/xudaolong/CodeVar => Javascript、alfred workflows、自动驼峰式变量、有道API、中文转英文
Codebox - Search codebox snippets
CoffeeCoffee - Prevent your computer from going to sleep
Coinbase rates - Get Spot/Buy/Sell prices of Bitcoin and Ether straight from Coinbase.
Coinstats - Get crypto currency price
Color Name - Get the name for a hex color.
Colors - Color tools for developers
Compress Image - Allows for converting and compressing images using ImageMagick
Compress and escape JSON - Compress and escape the selected JSON
Contacts Filter for Text Content - Search your contacts for all text fields
Contao Inserttags - Adds a workflow to AlfredApp, which gets all Contao Insert Tags for you.
Continuity Support - Enables calling and messaging via contacts or number input
Control [email protected] in Google Chrome - Control your focusatwill.com tab in Google Chrome using hotkeys or keywords.
Control [email protected] within Apple Safari - Play/pause or next track for [email protected] (focusatwill.com) running in Apple Safari
Convert - Convert between different units. No Internet connection required.
Convert Number - Converts numbers between different bases
Convert OS Paths - Worflow for swithching back and forth between UNIX and Windows Paths, specifically between Mapped Drives and Mounted Network Volumes.
Convert Word document to PDF - Alfred workflow to convert Word document to PDF
Convert python2 to python3 - Convert the python2 to python3 (Supports Keyword action, MacOS selection, Snippet Expansion, and File Action)
Copy Dropbox Link - An Alfred plugin to copy a dropbox link for a chosen file
Copy File Contents - Copy contents of file without opening it
Copy Finder Path - Copies POSIX path of frontmost Finder window
Copy Last Download to Here - Copy last downloaded file to the current directory
Copy Mail Message URL - Copies the selected message's URL to your clipboard from Mail.app
Copy SSH Key - Copy your id_rsa.pub content to clipboard
Copy SSH Public Key - Helps you find and copy SSH public key to Clipboard or even creates shell script to help you generate ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
Copy URL - You can copy browser's URL and title with various formats like markdown, anchor tag and your own.
Copy/Move To - A easy to expand copy/move to command in the Alfred browser.
Countries - View Country Information
Craft CMS Reference Search - Searches the offical Craft CMS class reference
CrashPlan Control - Provides an easy way to control CrashPlan service
Create Folder In … - It creates folders, basically.
Create New File in Finder (with file type templates) - Allows you to quickly create new files in Finder. This workflow also allows you to add pre-filled file templates.
Create RAM drive - Make RAM drive in a seconds
Create Sticky Notification - Create a notification using Sticky Notifications (app)
Create new file (en) - Create a new file (optionally with a filename and -extension) in the current Finder window.
Create symlink - Easily create a symlink from search to the frontmost Finder window
CryptoCurrency Price Tracker - Quickly check cryptocurrency prices
Cryptocurrency Exchange - Show the information of various of virtual currency, convert between cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrency Price Checker - This is an Alfred workflow to glance price of cryptocurrencies.
Cupcake Ipsum - Pastes a delicious random generated text to your selected document.
Currency Calculator (en) - Calculates from dollar or euro to some selected currencies (default: chf, gbp, eur, usd, try)
Currency Converter - Currency Exchange include BTC, ETH
Currency Converter - A simple Alfred 2 Currency Converter workflow
Currency Exchange - Alfred workflow to convert between currencies (including Bitcoin)
Currency exchange - Exchange currencies
Currency to buy - This workflow provides the current value to buy some currencies like dollar, euro and pound in exchange houses at Brazil, based on information provided by Melhor Câmbio website.
Current Ethereum Block Number - Finds out the Current eth block number
D2 - Developer Documentation - Quick access to popular libraries, frameworks & tools online developer documentation
DEVONthink - Alfred -> DEVONthink
DEVONthink search - Search in specific database of DEVONthink
DHCP Toggle - Set your Wi-Fi DHCP settings to auto or manual.
DJ Pedro - Create an iTunes playlist based on Last.fm's Similar Artist feature.
DLsite Opener - Opens the DLsite webpage by selecting RJ code
DNS Propagation Checker - Check domain's DNS Propagation
DOI Tools - Alfred workflow for DOI queries and actions
DS_Store Cleaner - Clean DS_Store files from the active Filder folder
Dark Mode Toggle - Toggles Dark Mode/Light Mode in MacOS 10.10+
Dark Sky Weather for Alfred - Access hyper-localized weather forecasts quickly via Dark Sky
DarkOrLight - Change macOS theme to Dark/Light with one click
Date Calculator - Display or calculate with current date and time.
Date Calculator - A basic date calculator
Date Converter - Chinese date formatter
Datetime Format Converter - Convert between timestamps and formatted datetime strings with ease.
Daum Book Search - Daum 책 검색을 Alfred에서!
Daum multi dictionary - 다음 어학 사전에서 단어를 검색합니다.
Day of Year (Julian Day) - Get today day of year (julian day) number
DeepL translation - This Alfred workflow uses DeepL API for translations.
DeepL-Translate - Translation using deepl.com
Default Folder X - Show and search Default Folder X favourites and recent items.
DefaultBrowser Workflow for Alfred - Allows you to quickly and easily set your default browser on OSX.
Dekra Casino Stuttgart - Opens the menu of current week in your default browser
Delete Duplicate Downloads - An Alfred3 workflow for deleting duplicate download files and directories from your /Downloads directory that are taking up extra space for no reason.
DeleteConfig - Find settings and preferences to delete
Denon AVR Control - Sends commands to Denon AVR units.
DenteAzul - Toggle bluetooth and paired device connectivity
DeskDrawer - Creates a special "Drawer" folder with Alfred for stashing your Desktop clutter.
DevDocs - Alfred workflow for devdocs.io documentations
Devhints - Search for Devhints.io cheatsheets from Alfred
Dial with iPhone - Send a phone number from your Mac (Contact, selected text or manual entry) to your iPhone for quick-dialling. (Requires Prowl.)
Dict.cc for Alfred - This Alfred workflow uses the offline translation databases provided by dict.cc.
Digital Ocean status - Control your Digital Ocean droplets
Directory Processing Workflow - Sequentially running through the directories or files in a given directory.
Discogs Explorer - Explore Discogs.com database within an Alfred window.
Display Brightness - Adjust your display's brightness with Alfred
Display GeoJSON - Display pasted GeoJSON on geojson.io
Display Month Calendar - Displays calendar for current month on screen using large type
Div - Simple windows manager
Django Docs - Search the Django documentation using Alfred
Django Secret Key Generator - Generates a new random string suitable for use as a SECRET_KEY in Django apps
Do Not Disturb, Limited - Toggle the macOS Do Not Disturb setting, optionally for a specific time period.
Do a Barrel Roll! - Make either Safari or Chrome do a Barrel Roll
Dock Spacer - Adds spacers to Mac OS Dock
DockShelf Workflow - A workflow for automating DockShelf application.
Docker - Docker command utils
Docker Cloud - Quickly jump into docker cloud stacks
Docker Cloud - Shortcuts to quickly navigate Docker Cloud services and node clusters
Docker Wizard - Control Docker machines & containers with Alfred
Docker Wizard - Control Docker machines & containers with Alfred
Domainr - Search for domains with Domainr
Dongers - Search dongers (unicode emoticons) easily
Dot - Toggle dotfiles (hidden files) on macOS
Dotfiles - Open different dotfiles in Visual Studio Code on keyword
Down for everyone - Checks a url against downforeveryoneorjustme.com
DownVid - Download media from popular sources
Download From Overcast - Takes an Overcast (https://overcast.fm) URL and downloads the source MP3 file
Download YouTube Videos - A simple workflow that downloads the currently playing YouTube video to your Movies folder. (Currently only works for Safari)
Drop - Drop uploads a file to Dropbox and get a public download link
DropZone - A workflow to work with Dropzone 3 actions.
Dropbox Client for Alfred - Access multiple Dropbox accounts with Alfred
Dropbox Sync Toggle - Disable/Enable Dropbox Sync
Drupal - Integrate with the Drupal website, search API's Project names etc.
Dual Wallpaper - File actions to set wallpaper by display
DualFinder - DualFinder - Make Finder a dual-pane file manager
DuckDuckGo with Auto Suggestion - Using this workflow, query the DuckDuckGo search engine and get its auto suggestions showing right in your Alfred launcher window.
Duden Search - Search duden.de German dictionary (with auto-suggest)
DwellClick Workflow - A workflow to use the DwellClick program from Pilotmoon.
ESV Online Bible - Quickly look up and paste ESV bible passages!
Edit With… A QuickCursor Alternative - Select text in one app, edit in another then paste it back
EggTimer 2 - A comprehensive countdown timer and alarm, with advanced feature set.
Ekşi Sözlük Search - Search Turkey's eksisozluk.com
Elastic Documentation Search - Search Elastic Documentation in Alfred and open in browser
Emacs Workflow - Use Alfred to edit file in Emacs.
Emoj - Find relevant emoji from some text
Emoji - Search & copy emoji to clipboard
Emoji Finder - Find relevant emoji from text
Emoji Taco - Always up to date - Unicode Emoji workflow includes Taco!
Empty Bird - Empty cache from Whatsapp iCloud Backups in com.apple.bird
Encode / Decode - Encode/Decode Strings
English to Russian Transliteration - Write in English, transliterate to Russian
Epoch - Copies epoch times to clipboard. Support seconds and milliseconds format.
Epoch Converter - Simple script to convert epochs to large type
Epoch Converter - Makes it easy to work with epoch timestamps!
Epoch/Unix Time to DateTime - Convert epoch time to readable datetime
Ethernet Toggle - This workflow is designed to set the state of the ethernet adapter of your choice. May work on other network adapters, but they have not been tested.
EthexIndia INR Rate - Current INR Rate for Ether via Ethexindia
Eudic tool - Look up in Eudic
Evernote - Search, Create, Append, Preview, set Reminders... All within Alfred
Evernote Bookmarks - Search in Evernote for saved bookmarks (tagged as such)
Evernote Search - The only workflow that provides the best search result by using Evernote's API, and supports all advanced search grammar.
Evernote Snippets - Evernote notes as snippets in Alfred
ExpanDrive Toolkit - Toolbox of function to work with ExpanDrive
Expand Link - Expands shortened link and copies to clipboard
Export top pages document to pdf - Exports the top Pages5 document to a pdf in the same directory
F.lux - An Alfred workflow for controlling aspects of F.lux
FFProbe - Displays information about media files.
Fabric for Alfred - Quickly execute Fabric tasks
Faker - Generates fake data for security questions, testing, etc.
Fakeum - Generate fake test data in Alfred
Fandango Search - A simple workflow to search Fandango
Fantastical > Apple Calendar - Uh, Fantastical 2 is out, why do you keep opening Apple Calendar? Muscle memory? Well, we've got your back.
Fast New Todoist Task - Creates a new task in Todoist' inbox, optional date
Fast ascii - A fast ascii converter
Favorites - Save frequently-used files and folders for quick access later
File Creator - Creates files using pre-specified types/templates, and grows as you go. Current types (.txt, .doc, .csv, .ppt, .cs, .js, .html, .css)
File Metadata - Shows metadata for a file in Alfred
File Name Sequencer - Sequences through file names in a format.
FileShuttle Actions - Adds FileShuttle support to main window and file browser
Files and Folders - Create, open, select, move and delete multiple files with a certain extension in the current directory.
Find Lyrics of Current Song on Rap Genius - Looks up lyrics for current song on Rap Genius
Find and Replace - Finds a word from the copied text and replace it.
FindTerm - Opens directory in foremost window of finder in iTerm2.
FineReader - Scan and convert PDF documents and images of text into editable and searchable files.
Firechrome - Open Chrome's current tab in Firefox or vice versa
Fish Toolbox - A list of functions for working with the Fish shell.
Flask Docs - Search the Flask documentation using Alfred and Algolia
FlatUIColors picker - Help to get flatuicolors.com hexa code by just typing : flat
Flickr Theatre - Remote Control - Control Flickr using Alfred Remote
Flip Text - Flips typed text upside-down
Flush - Flush stuff, specifically DNS and Memcached
Flush DNS - Flush the DNS cache in Mac OS X (10.7+)
Flush DNS 10.6-10.14 - Will flush DNS on macOS 10.6 through to 10.14
Flush DNS Cache 4 OS X El Capitan - DNS Flusher for OS X El Capitan
Flux - Control f.lux with Alfred
Flux Control (Plus Remote) - Control Flux using Alfred and Alfred Remote
Focus - Toggles the Focus app status.
Focus Workflow (heyfocus.com) - Shortcuts for Focus (heyfocus.com)
Folder2ISO - Makes an image file (.iso) for each selected folder
Folding Text Workflow - A workflow for working with the FoldingText.app
Force Empty Trash - Empty Trash even if files are in use
Force Quit - Force quit an application (hold Alt to restart). Type 'fq' to initiate the workflow.
Force the Trash - empty the trash by the power of sudo force
Forecast - Checks the weather using Forecast.io
Format SQL Query - format SQL Query
FormatSize - Reference paper sizes and device resolutions
Forvo - A pronunciation workflow based on Forvo.com.
Foursquare Search - Search Foursquare from Alfred 3
Free disk space - Displays the free disk space of your harddrives
Freebox revolution - command freebox revolution TV player (French set-top box)
Full Text Search Anything - allow you to custom full-text search on your own dataset. You can easily define which fields you want to search, how you want the data to be matched and send the result to other workflow to process.
Fullscreen app - Alfred workflow that allows toggling fullscreen state for a running application.
Funnel - Funnels selected text through a filter and replaces the selected text with the result.
Fuzzy Folders - Fuzzy search across folder subtrees.
GPG - Sign and encrypt files with GPG
Gank Alfred Workflow - The missing Alfred Workflow for searching ganks(干货) in gank.io
GemSear.ch - Search for RubyGems (with autocompletion support)
Gemesis - Quickly access a ruby gem's URLs with "gem
" -
Generate Header for Screenplay in Fountain - Generates a the header text (Title, Author, Date, Contact Info) for a screenplay written in Fountain.
Genererate Passwords - Quickly generate strong and secure passwords.
Genpass - Generate password from a string
Genymotion - Start emulator instantly
Genymotion - Launch device - Open Genymotion devices from Alfred.
Geocoder - Get Geo-Coords from address
German Verb Conjugation - Added a german verb conjugation workflow. Try it out, if you are eager enough to learn the intricacies of the german verbs and how it has to be conjugated!
Get App Icon - Get App's icon from /Applications or App Store / Mac App Store
Get Latest Files from Trickster - Retrieves latest files from Trickster and presents them
Get WordPress Salts - Retreive salts from the WordPress Salts Key Generator and save to the clipboard.
Get biblia.com Verse of the Day - Get biblia.com Verse of the Day
Getflix - Update your IP on Getflix
Giffy Last Recording - Convert last .mov recording to gif in configured directory.
Giphy - Search Giphy for animated gifs
Gist - An alfred workflow for accessing github gists as snippets. Supports tags, stars, and private gists
Git Repos - Browse, search and open Git repositories from within Alfred.
GitHub - Searches GitHub repos and their issues/files etc.
GitKraken - Open a folder in GitKraken.app
GitLab - GitLab Project search for Alfred
Github Repos - Easily open Github repositories
Github Search - Alfred workflow to search for Github repository.
Github repos - Quickly open your github repositories
Gitignore - Easy get git ignore from Alfred workflow
Gitmoji - Search for Gitmojis easily and copy them to your clipboard
Glosbe Translation - Translate text using Glosbe.com
Gmail Client for Alfred - Manage your Gmail inbox with Alfred
Go Links - Open the text as a http://go/
; link your default browser. -
Go To Here - Jump to files and folders when opening or saving
GoCD - Provides easy access to all pipelines in your GoCD instance.
GoToMeeting Tools - GoToMeeting phonebook and launcher
Golden Ratio - Calculate numbers using the golden ratio
GoldenRatio - This workflow calculates the longer and shorter side of the golden ratio for any given number.
Goo Japanese Translater - A workflow for searching the definitive Japanese dictionary at http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp
Goo Japanese Translater - A workflow for searching the definitive Japanese dictionary at http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp
Google Apps - A simple workflow for accessing Google Apps
Google Assistant - Use Google Assistant SDK on macOS
Google Booksearch - Searches Google Books
Google Hangout - Generate a google hangout link via Safari or Google Chrome and place the hangout URL in your clipboard
Google Image Suggest - Get Google Image Search Suggestions
Google Maps Directions - Quickly get directions via Google Maps from current location to provided destination or place of interest.
Google Maps Place Search - simple workflow to take selected or clipboard text and return an address
Google Maps Routes - This workflow calculates the route from the current location, a contact from your address book or a specified location to either the current location, a contact from your address book or a specified location.
Google Music Shuffle - Shuffle music on Google Music
Google PageSpeed Insights - This workflow allows you to test your website on Google PageSpeed Insights.
Google Play Music Controls for Chrome - Controls music playback in an open Google Play tab in Chrome.
Google Redirect Cleaner - removes google tracking from search result URLs
Google Selected Text - Use this one to highlight words, then hit the hotkey to automatically open a new browser tab with the Google search results for the selection as the search query.
Google Similar Image Search - Google Image search based on image files on your computer
Google Translate Alfred Workflow - Workflow to translate via Google Translate API
Google URL Shortener - An Alfred Extension that uses Google's URL Shortener API to shorten long URLs.
Google URL Shortner - Shortens a url using Google's goo.gl service
Google icon search - Search icons on google
Google-Alfred3-Workflow - The missing Alfred 3 Workflow for obtaining google search results based on your query, with some handy tips.
Grab Link - Copies the link of the active browser tab to the clipboard
GradlePlease - Gradle Please for Alfred
HGNC Search - Search for human genes
HTML Special Characters - Encodes a string with HTML special characters
HTTP Status Code - checkout http status code meanings
HTTP Status Codes - Returns HTTP status code information on the https://httpstatuses.com/ website
HackerBoard - Front page news from web community sources
HackerNews for Alfred - Read Hacker News with Alfred
Hammerspoon Workflow - Control you desktop with Hammerspoon.
Hangouts - Handles calling and SMS with Google Hangouts in Google Chrome
Hash - String and file hash calculator
Haskell Text Converter - This workflow demonstrates the use of the Alfred Haskell library to make workflows. It converts text to different type and does line numbering.
Hastebin - Convert clipboard contents to a Hastebin URL.
Hayaku - Expands fuzzy CSS abbreviations
Hayoo - Hayoo search for haskell functions and packages
Hearhtstone Cards - Search hearthstone cards quickly
Heroku - This workflow helps you to quickly open Heroku logs, console, or dashboard.
Hexo - A Alfred2 workflow for Hexo
Hi! How can I help you? - Snippet for quick replying "Hi {name}! How can I help you?" to IM messages.
Hidden Files - This wokflow shows or hides hidden files in Finder
Hide Desktop - Hide and Unhide Desktop
Hide Desktop - Toggle - Toggle the visibility of the desktop on macOS
Home Assistant - You will be able to control you lights, get sensor information, trigger automations and look for your devices in device tracker. All in Home Assistance
Home End - Maps Home/End keys to work like windows using HotKeys in Alfred (Select to start/end of the line not file)
Homeassistant Companion - Allows to interact with homeassistant (open Webui, restart, check config and update git)
Homebrew - Run Homebrew Commands from Alfred
Homebrew and Cask for Alfred - Easily control Homebrew and Cask with Alfred
Hosts File Manager - Manage the /private/etc/hosts file
Hotkey to nvalt scratchpad - Open a new scratchpad in nvALT with a hotkey
HotkeyLock (For High Sierra+) - Locks the Mac via the cmd+ctrl+q shortcut introduced in High Sierra
How much BTC - Converter BTC to USD and other currencies
Hue - A workflow for interacting with Philips Hue lights
Hunter Douglas Platinum Shade Control - Enables control of window shades via Hunter Douglas Platinum Gateway
Hypem Hotkey Controller - Control hypem.com via hotkeys
Hyperlink - Copy an open browser tab as hyperlink
I Sheet You Not - Generate Alfred 3 Script Filters from Excel files
IMDb Search - Search IMDb for movies, TV shows & celebrities
IME - A Input method workflow based on Google Input Tools
IP - A simple and elegant Workflow to get your private and public IP addresses
IP Address - An Alfred 3 workflow for getting your local and external IP addresses.
IP Locator - 查询IP(v4)归属地
IPv4 to INT and vice versa - Convert IPv4 to INT and vice versa
IPython Notebooks - Search notebook titles on your IPython notebook server
Ignore File - File will no longer be returned in alfred results
Image Optimization - Lossily compress jpg, png and gif files
Image Optimization - Lossily compress jpg, png and gif files
Imgur Downloader - Imgur downloader.
Imgur Uploader - Alfred workflow to upload image files to Imgur
IncognitoClone - Opens Chrome’s frontmost tab in an incognito window
Increase By One - Increase the number from copied text by one and paste it.
Incrementer - Increments the selected number by desired value
Instacast - Interect with Instacast for Mac via Alfred.
Install App - Install apps from zip, dmg, pkg or just copy .app to /Applications folder
Install Mac Apps - Quicky install mac apps Install and name of app, and that's it! Based on the community list of brew cask
Instant Search Workflow - Alfred Workflow to make use of Brett's SearchLink Service.
Invisible Files - Show/Hide Invisible files
Iris - A workflow for Alfred 3.0 that allows you to quick search for a movies and subtitles.
Irvue for Alfred - Workflow to control Irvue
JS Coach React Native Search - Search for React Native on JS.Coach
JSON beautifier - Beautifies minified JSON
Jasmine Runner - A simple applescript workflow to tell chrome to run jasmine specs at localhost:8888
Jenkins - Show and search through jobs on Jenkins
Jenkins Workflow - Jenkins workflow to gather status and run jobs
Jenkins helper - A workflow for using jenkins
Jira - Search and open boards, projects and issues
Jira Task Manager - A Jira Task Manager for Alfred
Jira browse ticket - Enter your JIRA ticket number to get a full URL
Jisho v1.0 - Translate English and Japanese words with Jisho.org
Jisho: Japanese-English Dictionary - Easily and quickly search Jisho.org, a powerful Japanese-English dictionary.
Jorudan Train Search - Workflow for Jorudan train search
Julian Date calculator - Converts dates to/from Julian dates, as well as some date math
Jump Desktop - Open the specified server in Jump Desktop
Jumpshare - Upload files and folders to Jumpshare
KA Torrents - Search and download torrents from kickass.so
KAT Search - Just a workflow used to search on KAT (KickAssTorrent) website
KAT search to Transmission - Workflow used to search torrent files on KAT mirrors and download chosen files through a remote Transmission server
Karabiner Elements Profile Switcher - Easily switch selected profile as configured in ~/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json
KeepingYouAwake - Toggle KeepingYouAwake
KeyCodes - Translate keyboard keys to AppleScript key codes
Keynote Remote - Manage your presentations in Keynote with Remote
Keypad for InDesign - Simulate a Keypad with Alfred
Kill Process - Kill Process makes it easy to find and kill misbehaving processes.
Kippt Search - Search your Kippt bookmarks.
Kitap Metre - This alfred workflow shows kitapmetre.com's (the best book price search engine) results.
KoZip - Korean Postal Code Search
Kutt - Free modren URL shortener
LDAP contacts - Alfred workflow to search for telephone numbers of coworkers through an Active Directory/LDAP directory.
LIFred - A workflow to control your LIFX smart bulbs.
LaTeX math to png - Generates and download a png from a LaTeX equation
LabelColor - Sets a label color for selected files and directories
Laracasts - Simple search functionality for Laracasts.com
Laravel Docs - An ultra-fast Laravel docs search workflow
Laravel Homestead - Easily control Laravel Homestead from within Alfred.
Laravel Nova Docs - An Alfred Workflow to Quickly Search the Laravel Nova Documentation
Laravel Nova Documentation - Search the Laravel Nova documentation using Alfred.
Laravel Nova Documentation - Search the Laravel Nova documentation using Alfred.
Laser SSH - Choose SSH connection from filterable list
Last 2 Imgur - Alfred workflow to upload the last screenshot taken to Imgur + (delete and minify image)
Last.fm Look-Up - Search Last.fm for similar artist info.
LastPass Vault Manager - A workflow to interact with a LastPass vault.
Lastpass CLI Workflow for Alfred - Simple workflow to interact with the Lastpass CLI interface.
Launch Maps App Using Selected Text - This workflow is used to launch the Map application in macOS, with a selected address as the search parameter.
Launch URL in 3 browsers - Launch a URL in three browsers to speed up website testing
Lawfred Intelligence - Search Legal Intelligence straight from Alfred
Lazy Link - Copy and paste titled link from foremost web browser
Le Tournedisque, discover new music - letournedisque.com is posting about a track a day, from Electro to Hip-Hop to New Jazz and Electro Rock
LeetCode Search - LeetCode Search is an Alfred Workflow plugin for searching algorithm problems in LeetCode with custom options.
Lernu! Dictionary - An Esperanto dictionary
Letterboxd Search - Use keyword "lb" to open a search on letterboxd.com
LibGen - Search and Download pdfs and ebooks from Library Genesis
Linguee EN-FR - Make a request to Linguee for english and french words
Linguee English German - With this workflow, one can search the english meaning of a german word or of an english word
LinkClean - Removes extraneous information from URLs
Lipsum - Generates paragraphs or words of lorem ipsum using lipsum.com
List Processing Workflow - Sequence through a list using a specified separator.
Little CSS Cookbook - A workflow to write CSS faster and without errors
LoL Profile - Search for a League of Legends player onto LoLProfile.net
LocalPort - Open the local with port address
Localhost - Opens http://localhost: with your port passed in as a argument.
Localhost - Open localhost at specified port
Lock 1Password - An Alfred command to lock 1Password
Lock Mac - Hotkey to lock you mac.
Lock screen with Knock - Lock your screen with Knock
Lorem Ipsum - Generate dummy lorem ipsum text.
Lorem Ipsum - An ultra-fast Lorem Ipsum text generator.
Lorem Ipsum - Generate lorem ipsum text from Alfred
Love in iTunes - Sets current track to "loved" in iTunes, alerts user if track already loved.
Lulz - A workflow to put silly things at your fingertips.
Luxinate - Alfred.v2 Streamed Media Downloader
MARKDOWN TOC - Create table of contents from markdown text
MD Link formatter - Convert MD link in inline style to reference style, vice versa
MD5 hasher - Simple Alfred 2 workflow for generating .htpasswd string, or simply to generate md5 hash from given string
MDN Search - Search MDN
MLV 2016 Find & Paste Scripture - Type translation abbreviation and verse reference. It will paste the verse where your cursor is.
MPD - Control MPD (music player daemon) from Alfred
MPlayerX - Workflow for controlling MPlayerX
MWeb - quick find and open MWeb document
Mac App Store Search - Search the Mac App Store
MacVim Toolkit - Allow editing files in MacVim gui or terminal mode. Works with either Finder or PathFinder
MachineClean - Lock your keyboard and trackpad temporarily, so you can clean them
Mail Interface Management - A few scripts for managing Apple Mail
Mail Read - Mark all unread Mail as read
Mail.app Search - Search Mail by sender, subject line, or all fields
MailTo - Send mail to contacts and groups from your Address Book
MailURL - Gets the mail id url from a selected piece of mail, formats it as a link, and pushes it to your clipboard
Manage Alfred Extension - List and view details about installed Alfred extensions. Additional features added: Open in iTerm, Copy Path and Browse Data Directory.
Manage Alfred Extension - Browse and Manage alfred extension
MangaEden Search - Search, read and download manga from mangaeden.com
Mark Text - Use "mt" to open files/folder with Mark Text
Markdown Image - 上传图片到七牛或smms,并复制为md链接
Markdown to BBCode - Convert Markdown to BBCode
Markdown to Pressentation Workflow - Converts a Markdown file to a slideshow.
MarkdownTransform - Convert Markdown to other formats
Mathematica - Runs commands using the Mathematica kernel.
MediaThorn - Get ratings for different types of media
Melon Music Search - melon music search (artists, albums, songs)
Memeflow - Memeflow gives you access to a preset list os memes.
Mendix Tools - Mendix shortcut to tools, including search
Menu Bar Activate - Press Option twice to activate the menu bar of the foremost application.
Menu Bar Search - Search for and activate application menu items for the frontmost application.
Menubar-autohide - enable/disable autohide menubar
Mianliao - Help you log into Mianliao Network.
Microsoft Remote Desktop - Connect to a Microsoft Remote Desktop (RDP) desktop.
Microsoft Translate Alfred Workflow - This is workflow application using Microsoft Translator Text API.
Minecraft - Launches the Minecraft Launcher with System Java instead of Apple Java 6
Minecraft Server Checker - An Alfred workflow for querying the status of a Minecraft server
Mjolnir Workflow - A workflow for controlling your desktop with Mjolnir and Alfred Remote.
MongoDb Starter - This workflow starts or stops the MongoDb server
Moom - Window Layouts - This Alfred workflow allows you to control your Moom app within Alfred 3.
Mountain Duck Bookmarks - Connect or open ssh session to your Mountain Duck bookmarks
Move To - Move selected finder item to a folder chosen in Alfred
Movie Ratings - Search for a movie and see its IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic ratings
Movie and TV Show Search - Search for movies and tv shows to find ratings from a few sites.
Mr Poole - Mr Poole is an Alfred workflow for managing Jekyll sites.
MyData - Easily retrieve data from stored workflow variables and paste them.
Myinstants - Searches Myinstants.com and plays sounds
Mysql Database Create Drop - Create and drop mysql databases
NPM Versions - Lookup the latest 15 versions for an npm package
NSC - Number System Converter
NSONE - Get current DNS queries per second from NSONE
NTFS Enabler - Enable Write to NTFS drives
Naver english dictionary - 네이버 영어 사전에서 단어를 검색합니다. (영-한, 한-영)
Nest - Control your Nest thermostat
Netatmo weather station and thermostat - Netatmo
Netflix Search - Search, autocomplete and launch Netflix
Network - Show and change your network settings
Network Connection - Quick start to change network connection
Network Info - Display ip addresses or mac addresses for all network interfaces.
Network Location - List, filter and activate network locations from within Alfred
Network Tools - Collection of some useful network commands
New Bear Note - Add new note to bear
New File from Clipboard - Create new file in Finder from clipboard contents.
New Files - An Alfred 3 workflow which allows for the fast creation of new documents and folders.
New Note and Search nvALT - Search or create a note in nvALT from Alfred.
New Terminal Window - Alfred workflow to open a new Terminal/iTerm window in the current space. Holding the alt key, the new window will be opened in the current frontmost Finder folder.
New Word Document - new word document
New XCode Playground - New XCode Playgrounds available at an instant
NewDoc - Adds shortcuts for creating new Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides.
NewFile - Creates a new file in the current Finder directory
Next Item - Sequences through items in one or more files.
Nf Remote - Control Netflix with Alfred Remote
NightShift - Toggle Night Shift on/off or change warm strength
NightShiftToggle - Alfred workflow to quickly toggle night shift
Nintendo Europe Search - Search and display Nintendo Switch game prices in European (including South Africa) region
Node.js Tools - Node.js/NPM/NVM tools for developers
Norrisisms - Chuck Norris workflow - Grab hilarious norrisisms or customize them from icndb
Notes - Creates a new note in Notes.app.
Notes Workflow - A workflow for keeping track and making notes.
Notification - Submit a notification to your Mac
Nova Poshta - Search for your package in an instant.
NpmSearch - npm packages quick search
NumToCNY - Convert Number to Chinese Yuan
Numi - Smart calculations with Numi
Nuxtjs docs search workflow - Nuxtjs Docs search
Nuxtjs docs search workflow for Alfred2+ - Nuxtjs Docs search
NyaaSearch - Search torrents on nyaa and download/copy it
OSM Element - Opening OpenStreetMap Elements by ID
OUI Lookup - Lookup the vendor for a MAC address
Octopow - Interaction with an OctoPress site using POW
OmniTube - Alfred ⇄ YouTube account automation
OneNote Navigator - Browse Microsoft OneNote notebooks, section groups and sections and then jump to them instantly.
OneUpdater - Update workflows with a single node
Open Folder in Finder - Opens a folder in Finder
Open Folder in iTerm - Opens iTerm Window/Tab to Specified Folder
Open Incognito Window - Open an Incognito Window in Chrome
Open Last Downloaded File - Opens the last downloaded file (in the Downloads folder).
Open Multiple Projects - Quickly open projects using Alfred
Open Recent Screen Sharing Profile - Opens a recent Screen Sharing profile based on your Screen Sharing history.
Open Sketch Plugin folder - A quick plugin to open the Sketch plugin & template folder
Open Trello Tab in Safari (without Duplicates) - Open or activate a Trello tab in Safari without duplicates
Open URL in "ish." - URL to ish.
Open URL with Hotkey - Use this one to highlight a URL found in some text somewhere and open it with your default browser.
Open With... - This basically is a shortcut to Alfred's "Open with..." command using a hotkey instead of navigating through Alfred's menu.
Open Xcode Files - Open Xcode Files
Open YMLP in Chrome - A workflow to open the mail list site 'YMLP' in Google Chrome
Open active tab in Pennywise - Open active tab in Pennywise
Open all my files - A means to open the "all my files" folder when any window has focus.
Open clipboard in browser - Opens a URL or else performs a Google search
Open in Alfred - Open a Terminal or iTerm window in Alfred.
Open in Atom - Open in Atom
Open in Finder Tab - Search for folders in your home folder and open in finder tab
Open in Gitx - Open folder with Gitx
Open in Vim - Open the selected file in Finder in the terminal using vim editor.
Open in iTerm - Opens iTerm to the path of the selected folder
Open in language - Quickly open any app in another language (e.g. Contacts in Danish, CoverScout in German…)
Open new Chrome window - Open a new Google Chrome window, optionally with query as parameter.
Open with VSCode - Use "code" to open folder with Visual Studio Code
OpenActions - Granular control over opening apps
OpenApp - Share your user's environment and paths with your applications
Openhab - Control your Openhab Smart Home with Alfred
Order of Magnitude - Convert a number to natural language (rounded to any number of places)
Outline - Read Without Clutter - Simple workflow that prepends
to the link you passed as argument or is present on the clipboard and opens on the browser. -
PERT Calculator - Generates accurate time estimates based on optimistic, realistic, and pessimistic expectations
PH API Export - This workflow will allow you to create hotkey commands to pull down CSV files using the API from Performance Horizon.
PHP Doc Search - Search and launch php.net doc pages from alfred
PHP Docs - An Alfred Workflow to Quickly Search the PHP Documentation
PHP Master - PHP Quick Tester and PHP Manual (2 in 1) - Contains a PHP Quick Tester ( md5('test')) and quick (local) PHP Documentation search
PHP interpreter - Use Php interpreter directly from alfred.
PHPStorm project opener - PHPStorm project opener
PWS History - Retrieve personal weather station history from Weather Underground
Package Managers - Package Manager Repo Search
Packal Updater - Update your workflows from Packal.
Packal Workflow Search - Search Packal.org from the comfort of Alfred
Pandoctor - An Alfred GUI for Pandoc
Paperpile - Open Paperpile in default browser
Parallels manager VMs - Toggle parallels virtual machines
Parcel - Track your parcel online
Parcels - Track your parcels/packages online via ParcelsApp (http://parcelsapp.com).
Parsers - Greek and Latin parsers
Passphrase Generator - Create random passphrases with Alfred
Password Generator - Generate secure password suggestions
Password Generator - Simple password generator
Password Generator - Generate passwords from strings
Password Generator - A simple password generator that doesn't rely on having an active internet connection. It's simple, fast and efficient. By default it generates a password with 15 characters - but you can overwrite this setting by providing a number when calling it.
PasswordPusher - Easily and quickly push passwords to pwpush.com
Paste Giphy GIF - think of a GIF, get it from Giphy, and paste the animated GIF where you want it
Paste N Clipboards - Paste last N clipboard contents
Pause Backblaze - Pause Backblaze for two hours at a time.
Peppermint Toolbox - Collection of tools for working with the Peppermint Code Editor.
Percent Change - Easily do percentage calculations.
Philips Hue Controller - Quickly and easily control Philips Hue lights with Alfred.
Phone Number Cleaner - Remove characters from phone number (spaces, dashes, parentheses) & copy number to clipboard
PhotoCoordinates - Open image GPS coordinates in a map
PiP My Safari - Enable PiP mode in Safari if a video is playing in the foreground.
Picat Workflow - A workflow to work with Picat Scripts.
Pikes Peak Library District Catalog Search - Searches the PPLD catalog.
PinPlus - Interact with your Pinboard bookmarks
Pinboard - Add & search your Pinboards bookmarks.
Ping TCP Port - Ping TCP ports from Alfred
PingPong - Play a round of table tennis with Alfred
Piratebay - Find torrents from thepiratebay.se
Placehold.it Images - Opens your default browser with the placeholder image loaded
Placeholder Images - Placeholder Images for every case from lorempixel.com and unsplash.com
Play Song - Quickly play songs, albums, genres, and more in iTunes
Play iTunes - Just type: pl [song|artist|album…]
Play with mpd - Quickly find and play albums using mpd (Music Player Daemon).
PlayAddress - Play the URL in the frontmost browser or clipboard
Plex Watch - Home or away, just type plex and start watching
Pocket for Alfred - Manage your Pocket list with Alfred
Pod install - cd to frontmost finder window and run pod install.
Pokédex - Look up Pokémon info, moves, abilities and items.
Pomodoro control - Control ugolandini's pomodoro timer
Postico Favorites - Opens favorites from Postico app
PowerPoint Remote - Control PowerPoint with Alfred Remote
Powerline Toolbox - A workflow to edit Powerline config files and more.
Powerthesaurus Search - Search Powerthesaurus synonyms and antonyms from Alfred
Precise Age Calculator - Check age like # of years, months, days & time... from the given birth date
Pritunl Manager - Manage your Pritunl VPN connections from Alfred.
Private Browsing - Opens Safari's current tab in Private Browsing
Private Internet Access Workflow - Private Internet Access Interface
ProcessControl - Deal with misbehaving processes
Product Hunt - List Product Hunt today's hunts
ProductHunt - Read ProductHunt in Alfred
Progress Bar - Sample progress bar workflow
Project Manager - Allows you to quickly open projects from Alfred
Public and Private IPs - Another Public and Private IPs implemented in Ruby.
Publish Ulysses Notes - One-command publishing of Ulysses notes! One-command publishing of Ulysses notes! One command publishing of Ulysses notes
Python Interpreter - Use python interpreter directly from alfred.
QRCode Generator - Utilizing Google's API to generate an image of QRCode from what you typed or selected.
Quick Print - quickly print (on your default printer) a file or some text
Quick Ref - Quickly reference files (e.g. cheat sheets, PDFs, web links, etc) using quick look.
Quick Stocks - Add some stock symbols for Alfred to check for you.
QuickTime Recording - Open QuickTime and start recording audio, screen, or movie.
Quip - Search Quip documents from within Alfred
Quit/Focus Mgr - Quits Applications or sets focus to the selected window.
Quote - Quote text from selection and copy to the Clipboard
RGB to Hex - Convert RGB values of a color to a hexadecimal string
RNJ - Random Number Jesus will give you a random number from 5 to 5
RSS - Quick and simple view of RSS feeds
RabbitMQ - Displays status of local RabbitMQ and it's queues. Can start and stop local RabbitMQ instance.
Radar - Show animated doppler radar for local area using quicklook. (US only for now)
Radio Toggle - Toggle for the Radio app
Ramda Docs - Search Ramda documentation
Random Choice - Feeling indecisive? Let Alfred decide.
Random File Picker - Copy a random subset of files to another folder
Random MAC - Generates and applies a new MAC address to en0.
Random Opener - Open a random file from a given directory without repeating
Random Pin Generator - Easy random pin generation
Random Pocket - Search and randomly select URLs in Pocket
Random String Generator - Easy random string generation
Rapid Browser Tabs - A workflow for Alfred based on the Search Tabs on Safari and Chrome workflow developed by Clinton Strong.
Rates - Simple exchange rates for alfred
Ratio Calculator - Calculates the missing number in a ratio equation.
Rdio - Controls the Rdio desktop player from within Alfred (user contributed, not supported by Rdio).
React Launcher - Alfred 3 workflow to access the React & React Native Documentation and community links.
React Native - Access the React Native Documentation from Alfred
Readability for Alfred - Manage your Readability list with Alfred
Readme - Load the README.md for any NPM module in the default application
Recent Documents - List recently accessed files taken from both OS/X recent docs list and Alfred.
Recent files in Folder - Shows recent files in a folder and opens the file, reveal in Finder or share via Dropox (requires WF http://www.packal.org/workflow/drop)
RecentDownloads - List and act on the contents of a directory
RecommendationNation - Keep a contextual list of recommendations
Reconnect your internet connection - Fritz!Box only - You can simply reconnect your Fritz!Box internet connection and change your IP if you have got a dynamic one. You will be notified about your old and new ip.
Record Sound - A simple workflow that immediately starts a Quicktime sound recording.
Reddit - Browse Reddit from Alfred
Redis - Manage instance of Redis with Alfred 2
Redmine - Provides read-only access to a Redmine server
Refresh Wifi - Restart Wifi Module - Fix wifi connection issue on Mac
RegEx Renamer - Batch rename files or folders using Regular Expression
Regex - Run and save regular expressions!
Relative Dates - Generate relative dates based on a simple input format
Remind Me - Add reminders to the default Reminders list
Reminders - This creates a new reminder in Reminders.app
Remote Desktop - Connects to computer via Apple Remote Desktop
Remote Key - Unlock Mac with Alfred Remote
Remote volume control - Control volume on your mac from alfred remote
Remove Download Warning - Removes the Gatekeeper warning on downloaded Applications and PreferencePanes
RemoveQuarantine - Remove the quarantine attribute from your apps
RenameAction - Renames a directory or file (preserving the extension)
Resize Image - Resize an image, selected in Finder, to a target width
Resolve URL - Follows any HTTP redirects and returns the canonical URL. Also displays information about the primary host (hostname, IP address(es), aliases).
RespondQuickly - Convert selected text to a QR code
Restart App - Restart a currently running App
Restart App - A simple workflow designed for apps to be relaunched/restarted or quit.
Restart frontmost application - Type 'rs' and then press enter to close and restart your frontmost application.
Restore Moom snapshot - This workflow let you to restore a previously saved Moom snapshot.
Reverse Dictionary - Queries the OneLook reverse dictionary, and displays the results.
Right/Secondary Click hotkey - Hotkey for Secondary click for keyboard junkies
RightClick - Do a right-click on Finder files, with the keyboard
Roll the Dice - Use keyword 'roll' to roll some dice!
Rolls - Rolls dice.
Roman Numerals - Convert Roman numerals to decimal numbers (and vice versa)
Rotten Search - Search movie from RottenTomatoes.com
Route to contact or location - This workflow calculates the route from the current location to a contact from your address book, or a specified location with Google Maps
Router Web Interface - Finds your default gateway's IP and opens it in your default browser.
Rsync Folders - Keep a set of folders in sync with their target folders via rsync
Ru-En Translator - Simple workflow for quick translations en-ru and vise versa using google translate
Rubberbanding - Toggle Mac OS X's native rubber band (i.e., elastic) scrolling on or off
Ruby Interpreter - Use Ruby interpreter directly from alfred.
Rule of Three - Show directly the result of a rule of three.
RunCommand - Run shell commands without opening a terminal
Running - Lists the currently running applications.
Ruter workflow for Alfred - Plan your trips directly from Alfred
SEND - Send documents to the cloud
SEO - Check URLs for SEO Stats with multiple services
SONOS Controller - Basic controls for SONOS speakers
SOStackOverFlow - Google advance search on site: stackoverflow.com
SSH Rocket - Launch SSH connection from bookmarks
SShot - Change a screenshot extension
Safari History Search - Search Safari Browse History from Alfred
Safari History Search - Alfred workflow to search Safari history
Safari Reading List - Search, open and add Safari reading list items
Safari Tech Preview -> WebKit - Simple workflow for interacting with Safari Technology Preview from Alfred for MacOS.
Safirechrome - Safirechrome opens an URL from frontmost Browser or a new URL in Safari, Chrome, Opera or Firefox
SandwichTimer - Run pomodoros and other timers
Save to wallabag.it - Save a new URL into your wallabag.it account
Say - Enter text for the system to speak
Say a word - Pronounce a word with Audio Pronunciation Service from Google
Say command - Allows terminal to read out something
Say it with GIFs - Browse your horde of GIFs and get their URLs
Sci-Hub - A workflow for searching Sci-Hub for Alfred
Scratchpad Workflow - A workflow to use the Alfred Prompt as a scratchpad.
Scrcpy Android - Alfred workflow for choosing an Android device to start scrcpy with
Screen Shot - Take Screen Shot with Preview
Screencapture Enhancer - Workflow to enhance OS X screencapture capabilities, particularly with the option to capture last captured area and naming options.
Screensaver Lock Screen - Let's you assign a hotkey to lock your Mac OS X to a screensaver screen.
Screenshot Settings - Change OSX screenshot format, save location, and window shadows
Screenshots - Capture, save to Dropbox, get Link and manage files and past links
Screenshots Imgur uploader - Take and upload screenshots to imgur.com
Script Debugger - Insert Clippings - Use alfred to search and insert system and user defined Script Debugger clippings
Search Apple Notes - Use Alfred to find and open your notes in iCloud/Apple Notes.
Search Baidu - Searches Baidu from Alfred.
Search Bear - Search Bear notes by keywords and/or tags
Search Bear - Search for specific notes or tags in the Bear.app
Search Bible Gateway - Searches Bible Gateway in multiple translations, lists books and chapters, and gets the verse of the day
Search Browser tabs - Search tabs in Safari and Chrome (also supports WebKit, Chromium, Chrome Canary and Vivaldi)
Search Mac App Store - Search the Mac App Store
Search Maven Repository - Search the maven repository.
Search Omnifocus - This is a workflow that performs free text searches on OmniFocus data.
Search Opera Bookmarks - A workflow to search Opera browser bookmarks with Alfred.
Search PubMed - Two different methods to get autocomplete for PubMed.
Search Quora - Search on Quora!
Search Safari and Chrome Tabs - Search tabs in Safari and Chrome (also supports WebKit, Chromium, and Chrome Canary)
Search Salesforce Lightning - Re-enable an Alfred web search of Salesforce in its Lightning UI
Search Terminal history - Search Terminal history and copy command to clipboard for quick adjustment/reuse
Search for Gems on RubyGems.org - Search the RubyGems API from within Alfred! Use the gem command within Alfred to find gems easily.
Search hostelworld.com - Provides a
keyword to search the hostelworld.com database. -
Search iTunes Music Store - Search iTunes Music Store for albums and songs
Search in Salesforce - Search in Salesforce from your Mac
Search with Tembo 2 - Find files using Tembo 2
Searchio! - Auto-suggest search results from multiple search engines and languages
Secure Empty Trash - Securely empties the trash
Secure Password Generator - Generate secure random passwords from Alfred. Uses /dev/urandom as source of entropy.
Secure Password Generator - Generates passwords that score highly in zxcvbn and copies them to clipboard.
Secure SHell - Open SSH/SFTP/mosh connections from Alfred 3 with autosuggestion of known hosts
Selected text language switcher - Switches language of selected text (currently russian to english and english to russian)
SelfControl for Alfred - Activate SelfControl and add URLs to the blocklist from Alfred!
Send Screenshot to Yoink - Sends screenshots to Yoink from ⇧⌘4 (by default)
Send to Bear - A file action to send files directly to the notes app Bear
Send to Drafts For Mac - Uses the stock URL scheme for putting text into Drafts for Mac through Alfred
Seq-utilities - Fetch complement, reverse complement, RNA, and protein sequences. Generate random DNA. Blast a sequence.
Sermon Scheduler - A workflow to help schedule weekly based tasks. It is designed for sermons, but can be used for anything.
Set Resolution - Handy workflow to change between available screen resolutions, even between normal and HiDPI mode (Retina).
Set color label - Set color label of selected Finder items with a keyword
ShadowsocksController - ShadowsocksX controller for Alfred
Shakespearean Insult Generator - Generate random Bard-inspired insults.
Shell Variables - Get your shell's variables into Alfred
Shimo for Workflow - VPN Workflow for Shimo
ShortFilms - Stream from a selection of short films
Shorten URL - Create a short URL with TinyURL.com
Should I do it - Discover the philosophical question.
Should I watch this movie advanced? - Search YouTube for movie trailer, open IMDB & Rotten Tomatoes page
Show Fantastical 2's Main Window - Shows the main window for Fantastical 2
Show Mac Desktop - Minimize all windows
Show PopClip - Invoke PopClip
Show Vim Cheatsheet - Shows a cheatsheet for vim using quicklook. Also adds open with vim file action.
Show/Hide Hidden Files - This workflow uses the keyboard shortcut for showing/hiding hidden files.
Show/Hide iTunes mini - This little workflow lets you show/hide the iTunes window either by using a hotkey combo or by setting a keyword.
Shush! — Mute your microphone - Mute/unmute the microphone quickly
Simple Reminders - For Reminders.app
Simple Screen Capture - Screen Capture singel window
Simple Screenshots - Take screenshots and that's it.
Simple TimeZone - Display Current Times of World Cities of Your Choice
Simple Timer - A very simple timer
Simulator - Shortcuts for working with iOS Simulator
SimulatorLauncher - Easy to launch simulator
SizeUp - Workflow to interact with SizeUp to manage applications's windows
Skim Remote - Control Skim with Alfred Remote
Skimmer - Actions for PDF viewer Skim
Slack - Interact with slack through Alfred
Slap Toolbox - Open files in Slap editor
Sleep - Sleep timer for mac.
Slugify for Alfred 3 - Turn any text into a url compatible string of characters and batch slugify file names. Based on WordPress' function to create URL slugs.
Smart Folders - View and explore your Smart Folders (Saved Searches)
SmartPic - SmartPic 是一款 Alfred workflow,可以方便大家上传图片到云上,并获取图片链接,可用于 Markdown 写文章时添加图片或其他用途。
Snap to Desktop - Takes a picture with your iSight, saves it to the desktop as "picture.jpg", and then previews it using Quick Look.
SnippMe - Integration with https://app.snippme.de
Snippets - Simple, document-specific text snippets
Songwhip - Convert a music streaming URL using songwhip.com
SoundCloud Control for Chrome - Control SoundCloud via Chrome
SourceTree - Fast launch project in SourceTree
Sourcegraph - Sourcegraph Alfred Workflow
Spaces - Switch spaces with ease
Spanish Synonyms - A simple Spanish Thesaurus
Spectacle - Control App windows with Spectacle
SpeedTest - Run SpeedTest with speedtest-cli.
SpeedTest to Slack - Notify Slack of Speed test results
Speedtest - Measure internet speed with speedtest.net service
Spillo - Search your bookmarks in Spillo
Splatoon - A workflow with Splatoon helpers (maps, wiki)
Spotifious - a natural Spotify controller
Spotify Downloader/Ripper - Download Spotify Songs to your music directory
Spotify Mini Player - Control your Spotify library at your fingertips
Sprintly - Manage your Sprintly products from Alfred
Spritzr - An Alfred Speed-Reader
Stack Overflow - Get answers to simple questions like "python function syntax", without having to open your web browser
StackOverflow Search - Search StackOverflow.com from Alfred
Stands4 Workflow - Integration with the Stands4 API. (http://www.abbreviations.com/)
Star Ratings - View and set ratings for your files and folders
StartRecording - Shortcuts for recording from your computer
Stash Worflow - Workflow for searching through Stash repositories.
Status - Alfred workflow that displays status of well known services like GitHub, Twitter and more.
Steam - Activate your Steam codes & launch steam games with a quick keystroke or keyword
Strip clipboard text formatting - Strips formatting from text on the clipboard
StrongPassword - Get a strong password by leveraging multiple sources
Sublime Text Projects - View, filter and open your Sublime Text (2 and 3) project files.
Sublime Text3 Recent - open recent file or fold in sublime text3
Sudoers - Add commands to your sudoers file with syntax checking.
Sum-Up - Sum-up a series of numbers separated by spaces.
Summary - Alfred workflow to search for book summaries on various websites
SupaTaggla - Provide global hot keys to toggle the display of applicaitons
Super Effective! - Check Pokémon types effectiveness.
Supervisord Controls - Control your Supervisord
Surge Config Switcher - Quick switch Surge configuration file(Surge for Mac)
Swap User - Quickly switch between mac accounts
Swift Color Picker - Alfred workflow to convert colors selected from Apple's built in color picker to Swift3 UIColor
Swift Demangle - Demangles Swift symbols
Swift Evolution Proposals - An Alfred workflow for looking up Swift evolution proposals. Written in Swift, of course.
Swift Playground Alfred Workflow - Create or open a Swift Playground through Alfred.
Swift Window Switcher - Alfred workflow to switch between open windows in the system and Safari tabs.
Swinsian - Rate current track - Rate currently playing track in Swinsian with a keyboard shortcut.
Switch 4k monitor resolutions - Use resolution-cli to switch between some predefined resolutions of 4k monitors.
Switch Sound Output - You can quickly switch your sound device.
Switch System Ruby - A simple Ruby development workflow for Mavericks to switch system Ruby between 2.0.0 and 1.8.7.
SwitchAgent - Switch the user agent for your frontmost browser
SwitchHosts! - The workflow for SwitchHosts! app.
Symbol Bars - Very simple alfred workflow that paste one of the symbols in {#, *, -, =, %} N times, e.g. "#bar 5" paste "#####".
Symbols Search - find and paste unicode symbols
SynAnt - Substitute words by checking against a thesaurs
Syncplay - Opens syncplay
Synonyms - Display synonyms from www.synonyms.net
System commands - System commands that honor the "Reopen windows when logging back in" option.
TV Show Calendar - Displays a list of current (today or +/- 1 day) TV shows
TV Shows Manager - Find, follow, stream, download, manage your favorite TV Shows
Tado - Access to your Tado from Alfred
Tailwind Docs Workflow for Alfred - An ultra-fast TailwindCSS docs search workflow for Alfred 3.
Tailwindcss Docs - An Tailwindcss docs workflow for Alfred
Tailwindcss Docs for Alfred2+ - An Tailwindcss docs workflow for Alfred
TaskPaper - Search for and create tasks in TaskPaper 3
Tastekid recommendations engine - Get music, movie, game, books... recommendations based on your tastes
TeXdoc - Searches your LaTeX documentation using texdoc
Tea Timer - This workflow is designed to let you quickly and easily set a tea timer from your computer using steep.it that will alert you when your tea is done.
Telegram - Multiple Telegram actions
Template Workflow - A Handlebar templating engine expander of text snippets with optional expansion through TextExpander.
TemplatesManager - Save and reuse files, directory structures, and urls
Temporary Mute - Temporarily mute your Mac with a few keystrokes. Works great to skip commercials during sporting events.
TemporaryEmail - Get a temporary email inbox
Tensorboard - Control Tensorboard from within Alfred
Terminal Commands - Search OS X Terminal commands by keyword
Terminal Control - Terminal and iTerm Profiles and Windows Control Functions
TerminalFinder - Open currently selected Finder (or Path Finder) window in Terminal (or iTerm2) and vice versa
Tesla Alfred Workflow - A workflow for Alfred to interact with a Tesla vehicle using the unofficial Tesla JSON API
Text Case Converter in Swift - A case converter in Swift.
Text Manipulator - Change the cases of text with keywords or hotkeys (UPPER, lower, Sentence, and Mixed).
Text Massagers - Text Manipulation scripts
Text Snippets - Text Snippets!
Text Tokenizer - Workflow for tokenizing different text value input, and converting them back to a string with multiple syntaxes. It was basically thought as a text exapander to convert space separated works into quoted comma separated values.
TextExpander Clean non-breaking spaces - Clean non-breaking spaces in textExpander
TextFoo - Simple commands to manipulate text
TextMate Favorites - Create, open and delete TextMate Favorites through Alfred
TextSoap Cleaners - Evoke TextSoap on clipboard or current selection.
TextWrapper - Wraps clipboard text to specified characters width (80 is default). Returns processed text to clipboard. Usage: wrap {170}
Textwell Workflow - Handy function for use with the Textwell program
Thai Translation Workflow - A small workflow to translate English to Thai and Thai to English.
The Best Bitcoin Faucets - Earn Free Bitcoins Easy! - The best Bitcoin Faucets on the web. Easy Claims and no need to claim every few minutes.
The Hit List - Create new tasks in The Hit List
Things - Interact with Things 3 using Alfred
Things - Things one-line task generation.
Things - Manage your Things list with ease.
Things - Things 3 Workflow with Deep Linking
Thumbtack 2 - Search, Add and Delete Pinboard items with Thumbtack 2
TickTick - Add tasks to TickTick
Time Adding Workflow - A simple workflow for adding together many time values.
Time Machine - Inspect and control Time Machine.
Time Machine Exclusions - Easily exclude specific files or folders from Time Machine backups.
Time Stamp Workflow - Create and use date/time stamps.
Time.is - Open time.is comparison with 2 or more locations and/or Time-zones
TimeClock - A time tracking workflow that saves punches & notes in a CSV file.
TimeZones - A customized world clock — shows a list of user-configured cities with their current local times.
TimeZones 2 - A customized world clock — shows a list of user-configured cities with their current local times (improved version)
Timer - Set up custom timers. Pomodoro support.
Timer - An Alfred workflow letting you set a timer on your MAC's menubar. When the time is up, your Hue lights blink.
Timer control - Control Timer (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pomodoro/id799574890) from Alfred
Times - Get time string of current time
Timestamp - Get current unix timestamp or convert a string to a timestamp or a timestamp to a datetime.
Timezones - Show world timezones. Does not require an internet connection.
TinyPNG - Compress PNG or JPG image files using the online TinyPNG.com service
Title Case Server - Makes use of a local web app to convert title case.
Titleize - Change Case of a Current Selection
Tmux Workflow - Alfred workflow to manage tmux sessions, integrated with iTerm2. It can list current sessions, connect to them, kill them or create a new one. The connect or create action actually opens iTerm2 and connects to the session.
Todo Workflow - Workflow for using TaskPaper with scheduled todos and journaling.
Todoist overdue to today - Moves all overdue tasks to today in Todoist
Together Import Url - Import current tab's url to Together (selected group/folder) as pdf
Toggl - Interact with your Toggl.com account
Toggle Bluetooth - Toggle Bluetooth power on and off
Toggle Drop-Shadow in Window Captures - Toggle visibility of drop-shadows in window captures.
Toggle Font Smoothing - Enable/Disable macOS Font Smoothing
Toggle Function Keys - Toggles Function Keys in OS X using Apple Script that includes a remote trigger for use with Alfred Remote.
Toggle Function Keys - Toggle the fn key globally
Toggle Greyscale - Toggles macOS` greyscale setting
Toggle Hidden - Toggle the Display of Hidden Files in Finder
Toggle Hidden Files - Show and hide hidden system files in Finder with one click.
Toggle IPhone Tethering - Toggle your Bluetooth PAN connection to your IPhone.
Toggle Input Method - This is a simple workflow designed to display all and change between different input methods using Alfred.
Toggle Keyboard Viewer - Displays/hides the keyboard viewer
Toggle Keyboard Viewer - Toggles the macOS Keyboard Viewer applet
Toggle Today and Notification Center Views - Keyboard shortcuts for switching between Today and Notifications Views
Toggle Wifi - Does exactly what the title says. No more, no less.
Toggle between special Fn keys and standard Fn keys [MAC] - Toggle between special Fn keys and standard Fn keys [MAC]
Top - Display tasks sorted by memory usage.
Top Google - Search Google and return top 4 results inside alfred 2 window
Top Number Open Files Workflow - Lists the processes with the most files open.
Torrent - Search for torrents, choose among the results in Alfred and start the download in uTorrent
Tower Repositories - Quickly access your Tower git repositories
Tower Repositories - View/Open Tower Repositories
Trakt for Alfred - Search trakt.tv, check out trends or manager your watchlists and libraries...
Translate - Utilize any of Google Translate's languages
Translate API - Use the Official Google Translate API in Alfred
Translate Workflow - use Google or Microsoft Translate - Translate words or phrases using Google or Microsoft Translate.
Transmission - Control Transmission through alfred
Transmit - Workflow for searching and opening Favorites in Transmit 4 App. It's really fast, because it reads the SQLite Database or XML datasource in latests releases of Transmit 4.
Trash Screenshots - A quick shortcut to send screenshots on the Desktop to the Trash.
Trash downloads - Empty your download folder in the trash
Travis CI for Alfred - Quickly check build statuses on travis-ci.org
Trello Card Search - Search for Trello cards across all your boards.
Trello Next for Alfred - Retrieve your important Trello cards by list, label or due date
Trello for Alfred - Simple setup and quickly add new cards to Trello right from Alfred
Trello search - Search for Trello boards and cards from Alfred
TripMode - Toggles TripMode on/off
Tunnelblick Toggle - Check and toggle status of Tunnelblick connections
TurnShoot - A two-player game for Alfred
TwitchStreamer - Search Twitch.TV streams and watch in VLC
Type Clipboard - Simple workflow to write the clipboard content in those situations where
⌘ → V
doesn't work, typically in non Cocoa application dialogs. You have to go and paste with right clicking the mouse or pad... Atrocious!! -
UNIX Time - Convert UNIX time to readable date/time
UPC to ASIN - Converts UPC code to ASIN code right inside Alfred.
URL craft - A workflow that transforms a url into new one that allows some formats such as "Github Flavored Markdown link" or "shorten url" and so on.
UUID Generator - Generates a unique UUID and saves it to clipboard
UUID generator - Generates random UUID and copy to clipboard or paste to most front app
UUIDgen - Create and paste UUIDs
Ulysses - Open groups or sheets in Ulysses
Uni Call - The missing universal audio, video call and text workflow for Alfred
Uninstall with CleanMyMac 3 - Select application to uninstall with CleanMyMac 3 while in Alfred.
Uninstall with CleanMyMac X - Uninstall Applications, Widgets or Plugins with CleanMyMac X
Unit converter - Simple tool to convert measurements with advanced calculation support
Units - Convert units, currency, length, weight, etc.
Unlock your Mac Remote - Unlock your Mac with Alfred Remote iOS App
Update your ibDNS IP (ibVPN) - For all of you how use bVPN + ibDNS. Change your ibDNS Server IP with one shortkey
UploadFile - Upload files and directories for easy sharing
Urban Dictionary - workflow for Alfred App to query urbandictionary's API and return word definitions
Urban Dictionary - Search Urban Dictionary from Alfred 3
VEVO.com Quicksearch - Search vevo.com for videos and watch them in your browser
VLC Remote Control - Control VLC using Alfred Remote
VM Control - Control your Parallels and Virtual Box virtual machines
VMWare Control - Control VMWare Fusion instances.
VPN Connections - Connect & Disconnect VPNs
VPN Control - Toggle VPN connection for tunnelblick and build in osx vpn
VPN Switch - Switch VPN on/off
VPN Toggle - Toggle VPN on or off.
VSCode-Insiders Open - Open current folder in VSCode-Insiders
Vagrant - Control a Vagrant instance.
VagrantUP - List and control Vagrant environments with Alfred2/3
Version Info - Copies the version of various things (e.g. OS X, Xcode)
Versions - Copy version information for applications and operating systems
Video Downloader - Easily download videos (and/or extracting audio) from various websites such as YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion and more...
VideoDuration - Outputs the url of a video on a supported website with its duration in square brackets
VideoTime - Get video play time
Virtual Number Pad - Creates a virtual number using the 7, 8, 9, u, i, o, j, k, and l keys.
Viscosity VPN Manager - Manage Viscosity VPN connections
Visual File Diff / Merge - Visually show the difference between two files and optionally merge the files
Visual Studio Code - An Alfred 3 workflow opening files or folders with Visual Studio Code.
Visual Studio Code Open - Open current Finder folder in Visual Studio Code
Volume Control - Control the volume of your Mac
Vuejs docs search workflow - A Vuejs docs workflow for Alfred
Vuejs docs search workflow for Alfred2+ - A Vuejs docs workflow for Alfred
WP Releases - Head to the releases page of WordPress
WPash - Generates a hash of the given password for WordPress databases.
Wallpaper - Change the desktop wallpaper.
Wallpapers from Unsplash - Change the wallpaper of your desktop(s) to photos from the popular Unsplash.com. Also allows saving favorite images and command line tools.
WatchList - Play and manage local audiovisual content and streams
Watermarker 2 - Watermark images using the new Watermarker 2 app
Weather - Display weather forecasts from Weather Underground and Dark Sky
Web Server - Easily start a web server and add files to it.
Web Server Header - Check webserver's header of a given website
Web to IP Address - Looks up an IP address for a given domain name
WebScreenshot - Take screenshots directly to the web
Webs - A workflow to spin up local front-end web development environments. Ludicrously fast.
Wemo - Control your Wemo devices
What's My IP - Find your IP addresses
What’s on 6music - Display the most recently played song on BBC 6music radio station.
Who - Find IP and DNS information
Whois - Lookup domains with Domaintools
Wi-Fi - Set Mac's Wi-Fi function to ON/OFF.
Wi-Fi Control - Alfred workflow to control Wi-Fi. It can turn on, turn off, toggle or restart the Wi-Fi.
Wi-Fi Restart - Turns it off and on again.
WiFi Control - Alfred workflow to turn WiFi on/off
Wikify - Your little Evernote Wiki-Helper
Windows Switcher - A workflow that can be used to switch between many windows in the current desktop.
WolframAlpha - Access WolframAlpha results from Alfred
Word Counter - Counts and ranks words within a string of text
Word Counter App - Display Latest Typing Word Counts and Export Stats to CSV
Word Search - Finds new words to improve your writing
Word to PDF Converter - Convert Word documents to PDF
WordPress Download - Download & unzip latest copy of WordPress in a directory of your choice on your Mac.
WordsWith - Find words that contain a particular pattern
Workflow Directory - Open in Finder or Terminal - Same behavior as the right click menu on a workflow. Saves you time if you are developing workflows
Workflow Help Workflows - Reads through your installed workflows to tell you what they do.
Workon Virtualenv - Workflow to list and start python virtualenvs (assumes you and have virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper installed).
Wowhead - An Alfred workflow that helps you search World of Warcraft® database provided by wowhead.com.
Write into Menubar (BitBar Extension) - To focus better for what you do - write whatever you want to your menubar.
Wunderlist Workflow for Alfred - Unbelievably fast entry for tasks with due dates, reminders, and recurrence in Wunderlist
Wunderlist3.alfredworkflow - A Wunderlist 3 API cloud-based alfred workflow
XAMPP - XAMPP commands to start services without the manager
Xcode Cache Clean-up - Delete the contents of the infamous DerivedData, Xcode and module cache folders.
YeelightBulb - Turn on/off a preset yeelight bulb
Yelp Search - Yelp Search
Yosemite Dark Mode Toggle - Quickly toggle between Yosemite's Dark and Light modes from Alfred.
YouVersion Suggest - Search for Bible references on YouVersion
Youdao Dict - 使用有道翻译你想知道的单词和语句
Youdao for Alfred - 非常快的有道词典
YoudaoTranslate - 有道翻译单词
Youtrack - create issues - Creates issues in Your Youtrack installation
Youtube Control - Controls Youtube Videos loaded in Google Chrome
Youtube Safari MP3 - Download the music video playing in any tab of Safari as the MP3 in your Downloads folder.
Youtube-Bookmarks - quick search youtube playlist, creating video-bookmarks with tags
Zapier for Alfred - Run Zapier workflows with 700+ apps from Alfred
Zebra - Alfred worflow for Zebra interaction
Zendesk - Interact with Zendesk and Support Tickets via Alfred
Zip Files - One of the features missing from OS X is a keyboard trigger for creating zip archive files.
Zip Info - Displays what is inside a zip file without uncompressing it.
ZotQuery - Search Zotero. From the Comfort of Your Keyboard.
Zsh Calculator - Evaluates Zsh arithmetic expressions.
^tty - Switch between or close iTerm windows, tabs and panes based on title and tty
academic search - need some help figure out how to have alfred search highlighted text in an academic website
adb - Android ADB
adsinspire - Search papers on INSPIRE or ADS
alForge - Laravel Forge Commands
alfred-adapters - Alfred 3 workflow for controlling various adapters.
alfred-bluetooth-control - Alfred workflow to control Bluetooth
alfred-can-i-use-search - Browser support tables for modern web technologies
alfred-change-sound-output - change sound output using aalfred
alfred-city - Search Area from 市区町村名 or 市区町村コード
alfred-cloudfoundry - An Alfred 3 Cloud Foundry workflow
alfred-cron - Convert Cron expression to human readable text.
alfred-fanfou - Alfred 3 workflow for Fanfou
alfred-file-checksums - Alfred 3 workflow for computing file checksums.
alfred-keycode - Workflow to get JavaScript keycodes.
alfred-pinboard - Yet another alfred-pinboard workflow. It provides INSTANT pinboard search and various function
alfred-pokedex - Lookup Pokemon Information
alfred-pycharm - Quickly open a Pycharm project through Alfred
alfred-workflow-todoist - Add tasks to your Todoist inbox or list upcoming tasks straight from Alfred.
alfred-youtube-vlc-workflow - Place youtube music in vlc
alfred2-layout - Control size and position of current window via alfred
alfred3-songwhip - Cross convert URLs to and from different music services via Songkick
alfred3-terminal-here - open a iTerm2 tab into the folder of the topmost Finder window (also supports Terminal)
alfredPG - Quickly start a "phonegap emulate" session from Alfred
alfredwl - Wunderlist integration for Alfred2. Allows you to add tasks, show your lists, and show incomplete tasks through Alfred.
aria2c - start aria2c daemon
awe - Search awesome projects!
aws-alfred-workflow - Workflow for searching AWS
awscli EC2 Help - Easy access to documentation for the EC2 commands in awscli
awscli S3 Help - Easy access to documentation for the S3 commands in awscli
b5 - Alfred integration for your favorite development tool
cargo - Search for cargo packages
cd to Current Path - Open a new terminal and cd to current path of Finder
clc - Powerful Calculator for Alfred
clipbox - Copy screenshots (and video and text) to trello and puts the link on your clipboard.
cocosdoc - 搜索cocos-js文档
cocosmanual - 搜索cocos-js教程
current git branch - Quickly view the active git branch name
currentURL - copy the URL of current tab to clipboard
datetime time format - time or datetime format tool.
define new screenshot location - change the place where your screenshot is stored instantly
dict.cc - Translate English to German - Translate English to German using the dict.cc website.
dpkg - Semi-automates the debian package creation process using dpkg.
dropbox paper finder - search dropbox paper document in alfred workflow
ejectall - Looks for mounted external drives like usb sticks, thumb drives or backup disks and ejects them.
famous - Workflows for famous mixed mode
gauth (Google Authenticator) - Returns temporary token for two-factor authentication mechanisms
gauth (Google Authenticator) - Returns temporary token for two-factor authentication mechanisms
gi - Search *.gitignore
gitignore - Alfred's gitignore workflow, automatically generate gitignore content through template, productivity tools to speed up your project. — Edit
gitignore - Create .gitignore files using Alfred
gitmoji - This simple Alfred workflow lets you quick search and input gitmoji.
go code - Initialize Python coding environment (virtualenv) open toolset (IDE / SASS Compiler / SourceRepo)
hex - Convert decimal to hexadecimal number
hl - Highlight your code stored in clipboard
html entity - Decode and Encode HTML entity
iBooks Search - Search the iBooks store
iCloud Drive Explorer - Open Finder windows in iCloud Drive
iCloud Tabs - View and open iCloud tabs from all your devices
iCloudTabs - Retrieves iCloud tabs for all connected devices.
iDevice Sync - An Alfred 3 workflow for syncing your iDevices.
iMessage Workflow - A workflow that allows Alfred to interact with all parts of iMessage
iOS Simulator - Workflow for finding simulator app data folders, erasing apps and more
iOS Simulator - A simple workflow for fast access to your iOS Simulators and apps. It saves you time during iOS development when you have to deal with Simulators' folder structure.
iOS Simulator launcher - Launching iOS simulator using a keyword
iPhone Tether Toggle - Toggle tethering with your iPhone on / off
iPython text manipulation - Format the ipython codes nicely without "[In]" or "[Out]" or " :" symbols
iTerm Rerun Command - Reruns last command executed in iTerm
iTerm Sessions - Quickly select of one currently opened iTerm sessions
iTunes Airplay Toggle - Toggle the playing state of your Airplay devices.
iTunes DJ - Queue up songs to be played next in iTunes from Alfred
iTunes Random Player - Plays a random track from an album or podcast, or a random album from a genre
iTunes Rate Track - Allows you to apply ★ and ♥ to your current iTunes track using hotkeys.
iTunes Rating - Uses a hotkey to apply a rating to the current track. If it's less than 3, it's goes to the next track automatically.
iTunes Seeking - Seeks backwards & forwards in iTunes
iTunes Shuffle Toggle - Toggles the shuffle option in iTunes
iTunes Store Search - Search the iTunes store
iTunes playlist tagger - Tag current iTunes track by using playlists
iconfinder search - Iconfinder instant ico search
ironmq - Quick productive access to your ironMQ queues
jQuery Documentation - Search the jQuery Documentation locally (without internet connection and very fast)
jQueryApiCN - jQuery中文API手册
jrnl - Add entries to jrnl
jsReserved - List or Find Reserved Words in JavaScript
lgtm - workflow to get lgtm pictures and paste markdown easily
linggle - The workflow helps you to search on linggle.com and display the top 10 search results
local.ch - An Alfred Workflow to search in the swiss phone book (local.ch)
localhost2 - Open localhost port on browser
logtivly - log your hours on google sheets using alfred! see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAAXoTbIZ5E
man - Open UNIX man pages in any of traditional Terminal, HTML or PDF format
markdown note of Github Repo - Formats the link, name, and description of a github repo into a markdown-formatted note on the clipboard
mdi - Alfred 3 workflow to find Material Design Icons
metacpan - Search MetaCPAN (http://metacpan.org/) from within Alfred with as-you-type autocompletion
moment - Advanced time utility.
mvnrepository - workflow for mvnrepository.com
my bitbucket repositories - search my bitbucket repository
newdesktop - Creates a new space / desktop
ng2 - Search for Angular 2 documentation
npm repo - Opens a repository page for a npm module by name
npms - Search for npm packages with npms.io. [NOTE] Click "View on GitHub" for install instructions. Don't install from here.
npms - npms.io search
nvALT actions - This workflow is finding a note or creating a note in nvALT.
oh-my-zsh - Quickly get to documentation for oh-my-zsh plugins
opencc (chs ↔ cht) - convert text between simplified and traditional chinese (and copy)
ops-ginie-client - ops ginie client
pass - Pass (the standard Unix password manager) integration
pass - Provide a minimal wrapper over the pass password manager (passwordstore.org)
pg - Search .pro(Proguard) files
pipe - Transform the selected text or clipboard contents by passing it through an arbitrary shell one-liner
pomodoro-alfred - Pomodoro Tracking via Tomato One
portkiller - this workflow is used to kill the port you specifie by typing: kp portnum, for example: kp 8080 kill the port occupying the specified port
prefix.cc - Lookup for namespaces using prefix.cc
premiumize.me - premium link generator for single download links - Create premium downloadlinks from support OCH via premiumize.me
qlee.proxy - Statr a socket 5 proxy
qqmusic - 一键搜索QQ音乐
query iphone date of manufacture - query iphone date of manufacture
quick command for alfred workflow 2 - Copy, run, generate, del your custom commands
raywenderlich - Display the recent ariticles from raywenderlich.com
relaunched - Relaunch running apps or the Dock
rockkoca.workflow.figure-fight-sogou - Funny Figures for Chatting
s3cmd Toolkit - Workflow for using the s3cmd command to interact with Amazon S3
search HoudahSpot for - pass a search phrase on to HoudahSpot 4
shanbay-alfred2 - com.alswl.alfred.shanbay
shrug - Copies ¯_(ツ)_/¯ to the clipboard and pastes it to the frontmost app
slackfred - Interact with the chat service Slack via Alfred (multi-org supported)
song.link - Create song.link urls for friendly music sharing links.
src from iframe - Extracts src attribute value from iframe tag in clipboard
ssh - Open Secure SHell with smart hostname autocompletion
strlen - Calculates the length of the input string
superFastAppSwitch - this workflow enables you to switch/change among your apps in milliseconds
symless - Show and Enable / Disable synergy service
tTyme - Controll Tyme.app
today's newsmth.net top 10 hot articles - 水木社区十大热门话题
todo - Manage your todo items entirely in Alfred
trailer - Search and open iTunes Movie Trailers
trans - translate-shell workflow - This is a workflow for translate-shell CLI utility.
transfer - Uploads files to transfer.sh.
uuid-helper - A simple UUID helper to generate random UUID's as well as formatting any uuid with or without dashes
vbox - vbox control
wymusic - 一键搜索网易云音乐
xcdd - Remove Xcode DeriveData for path '~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*'
xkcd - Browse and search latest and hot xkcd comics and what if articles
İETT Next Departures - This alfred workflow shows next departures from beautiful Istanbul's bus service İETT. It uses data from İETT's website.
动漫花园检索 - 动漫花园追番查询
彩云天气 - 通过彩云天气API接口获取天气预报
湾区日报(非官方) - 相对快捷的获取湾区日报最新一期或者指定某一期的文章.
进制转换 - 进制转换,自动判读输入数字,转换结果包括16进制,10进制,8进制,2进制
위시켓 최근 프로젝트 검색 - 위시켓, 최근 프로젝트 검색