open vsc project

From their README

Alfred workflow: Open Visual Studio Code project

This tiny Alfred workflow alfred-open-vsc-project allows you to conveniently open a project via Visual Studio Code by defining a "workspace" folder (e.g. the folder where all your projects are). It then shows you all folder names and lets you filter them.

On selecting one, Visual Studio Code will automatically open with the selected project.

Note: This can easily be customized to open the project with another IDE/editor. Just edit the workflow's last step in Alfred to use another command then code.


alfred-open-vsc-project in action


  1. Download the alfred-open-vsc-project.alfredworkflow from Releases.
  2. Drag-and-drop it to your Alfred workflows.
  3. Set up the PROJECT_FOLDER variable.


  1. Type code into Alfred. It should show you your projects.
  2. Select one with Enter.
  3. Voilá, Visual Studio Code now opens with your selected project!


This workflow basically consists of a simple python script.

You can build the workflow yourself with make build.

Todos and Ideas

  1. Open Terminal/iTerm in the project folder at the same time. (I tried to do this, but I didn't manage to make it work)


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details