- Created by nikolaeu
- 🗓 Last Updated: 16/11/24 18:39:02
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 5755
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From their README
Numi is a handy calculator app for macOS. It allows you to describe tasks naturally and instantly get an answer. For example, $20 in euro - 5% discount
or today + 2 weeks
Desktop version for macOS can be downloaded from the app website or from releases page on GitHub.
Terminal version can be installed using provided shell command (same command used to update binary).
curl -sSL https://s.numi.app/cli | sh
Alternative way of installing using Homebrew: brew install nikolaeu/numi/numi-cli
Alfred extension can be downloaded directly, requires terminal version to work.
Terminal version can be used this way:
numi-cli "20 inches in cm"
Most features of the Numi for macOS are supported in terminal. However, these are the features that have not yet been implemented:
- ~Localization support~
- ~Tokens (sum, prev, avg)~
- ~Dates~
- Timezone conversion
- Variables
- Plugins/extension