Day one Instant Import

From their README

Day-one-Instant-Import v1.1

This workflow should help to import any text, to Dayone (using DayOne2 CLI) without opening the app itself.

See it in Action:

Alfred5 dayone-instant-import


  • Install [DayOne CLI] (

    • You can also install DayOneCLI using:
      sudo bash /Applications/Day
  • Download the plugin

  • Open the workflow

[Optional] If you have multiples Journals oon DayOne App, you can set wich Journals will be used. If want to use the default Journal, leave it blank.


When typping in your favorite app like Bear, Stoic, TXT editor or any app, at the end of your entry, just type:


Alfred asks for your Entry Title:

  • Type your Entry Title e.g: My Journal for today

Alfred asks for your tags:

  • type tags using espace as separator. e.g: trip travelling couple

That's it. Your entry should be automatically created on DayOne using Markdown:

# My Journal for Today
Content Imported from your app