- Created by vookimedlo
- 🗓 Last Updated: 18/06/19 19:53:24
- 🌟 Stars on GitHub: 39
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From their README
Alfred 4 workflow for taking various screenshots.
Currently supported storages are the following.
- Local drive
- Clipboard
- Dropbox service with an ability to share a link to the uploaded screenshot.
- Transfer.sh service with an ability to share a link to the uploaded screenshot.
- 0x0.st service with an ability to share a link to the uploaded screenshot.
- File.io service with an ability to share a link to the uploaded screenshot. After uploaded image is downloaded, the file is completely deleted!!!
- Install alfred-various-screenshots workflow.
- All further updates are handled automatically.
In Alfred, type ss
, which stands for ScreenShot and initiates a submenu which offers three options.
- Screenshot - Area
- Screenshot - Screen
- Screenshot - Window
By default, the screenshot is stored in a file located at your ~/Desktop
This could be overridden, either by pressing the ⌘ key, ⌥ key, ⌃ key, ⇧ key, or Fn key.
⌘ - instructs the workflow to put a screenshot to the clipboard. -
⌥ - shares a screenshot via Dropbox and stores a sharing link to the clipboard. -
⌃ - shares a screenshot via Transfer.sh and stores a sharing link to the clipboard. -
⇧ - shares a screenshot via File.io and stores a sharing link to the clipboard. -
Fn - shares a screenshot via 0x0.st and stores a sharing link to the clipboard.
Screenshot files will be named according to the following pattern screenshot_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.png
Y Year in full form (e.g., 2006).
m Numeric month, a number from 1 to 12.
d Day, a number from 1 to 31.
H Hour, a number from 0 to 23.
M Minutes, a number from 0 to 59.
S Seconds, a number from 0 to 59.
Default local screenshot folder ~/Desktop
can be changed by the workflow DefaultLocalScreenshotFolder
There is no need to install a Dropbox software to your MacOS. The only requirement is to log into the web Dropbox account and create an access token for the workflow.
Such generated access token shall be placed to the workflow DropboxAccessToken