jira search

From their README

Alfred Jira Search

NPM Version Dependency Status devDependency Status

Alfred workflow to quickly search through your Jira issues 🔎


Download the latest worflow from the releases page. You will be notified of future updates within Alfred.


You will be asked to configure the workflow with the following values :


Command Action
jj Display a list of unresolved issues sorted by their last updated date. The list is filtered by Alfred.
jb Display a list of all Jira boards.
ju Force update the local data
jconf Edit the workflow configuration

When using the jj command, some smart filtering can be done:

# Filter by project
jj p=

# Filter by assignee
jj u=

# Filter by status
jj s=

# Filter by sprint status
jj sp=

# Filter by Tempo account name (requires Tempo)
jj a=